I had a strange experience over the weekend and wanted to share it with the server.
The Mabar festival was in full swing and I had my Wizard camped in the Open Palm Inn, buffing people with Greater Heroism and the like. I just wanted to encourage people to go out and have fun. Note that nobody was paying me to do this and I had no obligation to anyone to do this.
A character approached me a couple of different times, sending me tells asking if I could see that character. I thought that was a bit odd, but ok. I replied that sure, I could see him/her (I don't want to embarrass anyone here so will keep that person anonymous).
Now, here's the odd part, which puts the rest (perhaps) in context. This person repeatedly sent me tells saying, "Quench me!" Just like that. Out of the blue.
OK, now at this point I'd been online for quite some time. I'd had a few beers. I was perhaps not at my very sharpest, in other words, although I was by no means insensate. But I could not for the LIFE of me figure out what this person was asking (well, kinda insisting) I do. So I cast Break Enchantment cause, hey, it's some pretty flashing lights and maybe that would please this person, and cause I don't have any spells that quench people.
Later on it occurred to me that this person might have been asking for (demanding actually) divine vitality. That is to say, he or she might have wanted to be quenched in the manner that a beverage at a tavern can quench a caster.
Some thoughts:
First off, it's pretty damned rude to just repeat a demand. Try being polite. Nobody owes you anything, especially strangers, so it's best not to walk around acting like you have some special entitlement. "Please" is a magic word that everyone can use. Even non-casters can use it! It's just that magical! Also note that just because someone is giving things out for free, you have no special rights to get anything from that person.
Second, clerics cast divine vitality. Wizards in fact do nothing of the sort. See, clerics GIVE the spellpoints, which Wizards then SPEND. That's the direction that the relationship flows in. Asking a Wizard for spellpoints is like asking a Barbarian to buff you. "Thog not have spells for make tiny person stronger."
Third, if you are going to make a bizarre demand of a stranger, try to at least be clear what you're asking of them. If they don't do what you demand, instead of being coy and asking whether they can see you, try just communicating clearly what you want. The issue was not whether I could see this person, but whether I could understand him or her, and once having understood him or her, whether I could actually do what was being asked of me. Visibility wasn't in question.
Now, I don't honestly know what this person wanted of me. Maybe he/she was just being silly. I don't want to call him/her out for being rude or clueless since this might not be the case. But... it surely was a strange experience for me.