so how is that any different then this situation .. its about bending rules because they dont work well as they are.
What i want has absolutely 100% nothing to do with stats vs balanaced stats.... where the hell are you getting that ... ???
I am talking pure dex ac builds the people who take finesse ... using quarterstaffs because they are the only weapon with life drain ability and dex builds who do less dps by the nature of there build being the ones who NEED these kinds of weapons stat damaging and level draining weapons. While STR builds right now the only quarterstaff wielders ... have thousands of weapon options INCLUDING THE FINESSABLE ONES .... perhaps if they thought more clearly on what classes and build types use what kinds of weapons and what classes and build types suffer from a serious lack of useable weapons at end game ... maybe then it wouldnt be needed.
But the truth of the matter is ... they have made AC less valid over the years ... not more ... they take the builds who where focused on AC and give them **** to use unless they are rangers ... and then over load the str builds with named items.
Then when someone asks for some freaking balance in this game ... people shoot off stupidity that has nothing to do with anything.
If you can give me ONE reason how quarterstaffs being finessable hurts anyone in this game .... then i would be happy to listen to it ... the truth is there is nothing that gets broken by a dex monk using quarterstaffs.
In fact quarterstaffs make more sense then freaking stupidity that is monks using short swords. Aside from the fact that they can now use wounding puncturing ... now that its been nerfed to all **** and worthless and requires a PRE whos main feature doesnt work while weapons are equip't dispite DnD rules stating that a monk may make melee ki strikes with his feet when his hands are full.
I mean really if you have nothing to add why troll me ... ?? at least others are making an attempt to debate it ... and in the end they all say the same thing ... it doesnt matter to them ... so why does it matter so much to you?