Last night, four guildies and myself decided we wanted to try epic Devil Assault. Unfortunately, we had no caster, so we elected to pug it out. We got a caster named Blehz. AND HE WAS AWESOME.
For those of you who have not done EDA, it is absolutely harrowing. I chugged more pots than I feel comfortable admitting to. And, if you haven't run with Nothing Personal, all I can really say to explain our modus operandi is what we say in vent before pretty much every quest, which is "balls to the wall." I'm sure you can do the math and figure out how our questing usually goes. It's fast paced and chaotic beyond all reason.
I say this so you have some context to what Blehz was walking into. I'm pretty sure he didn't even realize we were doing it on epic until he clicked on the door. All said, though, he took it like a champ. We only had one death, in part due to he and I drinking pots like water. And I fully intend to send off some pots once I log in tonight. Just wanted everyone to know what a good sport and what a steely mother lover Blehz was. If he hits your LFM, take him! And give him all of your devil scales. He deserves it, for putting up with us during such an intense epic.