So, over the weekend, I TR'd my cleric into Favored Soul. I worked hard at unlocking the 2500 favor for it, and while FvS does not gain much by having past life cleric, that's what I did.

I have a friend whom I play with, and he's not been playing the game very long, and his highest level character is a 12th level paladin. He also has a 4th level paladin. He has a friend that he plays with sometimes who has a 2nd level fighter.

Couple of weeks ago, my friend was on playing his lower level paladin with his friend who was on, and I decided that I wanted to play with them, but my lowest level character was my level 12 rogue. No problem - I've got an empty slot; I'll roll up a veteran 32-pt build cleric since they needed a healer. At the time, I wasn't yet ready to TR.

I made her an elf just for the hell of it (mostly for the eye candy). I maxed her wisdom, made her charisma fairly decent, and with a 32 point build, made a very solid overall cleric. I also made her a veteran.

Anyway, fast forward to my TR'd Favored Soul. I worked on her this weekend, and managed to get her to 4th level. After reading a lot of the threads here, I decided to go with a minimum of charisma (10), and actually had to go buy a +1 charisma trinket at the AH right out of the gate just to be able to cast spells. I went TWF with scimitars, and even took OTWF at 3rd so I could dual-wield scimitars. Good times.

I logged on with my cleric last night just to check her mail, and noticed that she had 325 mana.

My favored soul? 320!

I suspect that has everything to do with my paltry charisma, and my cleric's maxed out wisdom. My cleric might also have a minor +power item on as well, which my Favored Soul does not have.

Anyway.. I just got a huge laugh out of that. I suspect if I leveled the cleric up to 5, and then FvS up to 5, the FvS would end up passing the cleric slightly.