Hello, I recently +5LR'd my HALFLING stick build into this: 9rog/6mnk/1ftr so far and have taken FoD and it's Pre, respectively. On the rogue side, I have taken acro I and will take II when available.
The build plans on using centered long swords in windstance+haste+rogue haste for a ton of attack speed.
After the feats I have, I believe that I might have enough room for Quickdraw to make my haste boosts even more effective in terems of activation time.
15str+4lvlups+2tome+6item=27(28 if ftr2)
I am not sure about what Pre's to take. I chose acro for the knockdown immunity and movement speed boosts to stack with the monk levels'.
Took Ninja Assassin for the 1d6 gain in SA and the 10% inorp.
Though im not sure if maybe i should have taken light path for the self heals/party heals and maybe lr again with higher int and take rogue assassin?
Which combo is best?