Crazy story, 100% true.
So, I have a level 20 on Cannith, and have bene server hopping to get the basic 100 favour for the DDO store points.
Well, on Argonnessen, my level THREE character looted a PLUS THREE GREATER HEART OF WOOD.
It is tradable.
I was in shock and awe that I pulled this out of a LOW LEVEL quest in the Harbour, at LEVEL THREE.
SO yeah, The only only heart of wood I've seen for sale is on the marketplace, and it's a lesser+1 for 2 mil...
So like, what can I get for this +3 greater heart of wood?
It was a one in a million drop, that's for sure, and my story is true, I have a tradeable +3 heart...
Probably looking for plat and good twink items. As my highest level on the server is level 3, but since I got the drop I've been playing here more on Argonnessen.
So, thoughts, bids? All are welcome.. Questions too.