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  1. #1
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    Default Fighter / Mage - Spellblade

    So from what I read since DDO is not 100% faithful to D&D 3.5 rules multi-classing is highly frowned upon due to the lose of Spell Point, Enhancements, etc... so I was going to make a Fighter Mage Combo with all 20 lvls in Wizard. Tell me what you think of the idea, I am a TRed Warforge (former lvl 20 Rogue) lvl 13 Wizard atm.

    My base stats at lvl 20 will be as followed:

    STR: 16
    DEX: 17
    CON: 16
    INT: 20
    WIS: 14
    CHA: 14

    I was planning on going dual-wield with short swords because of my lower BAB w/ all Wizard levels. However wands do 1d6 dmg as well and would not take up a feat and add to my casting, so not sure if short sword would be a waste of a feat or not.
    Here are my planed feats at lvl 20:

    LVL 1: Spell Penetration
    LVL 3: Greater Spell Penetration
    LVL 6: Two-Weapon Fighting
    LVL 9: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
    LVL 12: Two-Weapon Defenses
    LVL 15: Short Sword
    lvl 18 feat is still up in the air, maybe Toughness or past Life Rogue feat.

    All five of my Wizard feats would be meta magics, atm I have Maximize, Extend Duration, and Eschew Material, I would pick up Quicken, and Heighten. I have seen some people w/ lvl 18 Wizard and lvl 2 Figther, maybe that works out better. Basically I see myself meleeing with buffs (Greater Heroic, Flame Shield, Haste, etc) using short swords and casting wail of the banshee.

    I am currently working on the set that gives 40% dmg to spells lvl 6 and below and adds + 2 to hit and dmg. I know Drow get Short Swords for free but I really like Warforge as a race. Hope this makes sense, could be better off as a Bard I suppose. > <
    Last edited by Vaardalia; 11-28-2010 at 07:55 PM.

  2. #2
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    Dump TWF, shortswords and go THF (two handed) with Great Axe/Falchion/Maul/GreatSword. Will be better.

    I had TWF wizzy that went THF. When I switched, my damage output went up. I could have more STR (more damage and tohit), no -2 to hit, could take Power Attack.

    Lower DEX, take Insightfull Reflexes for Ref saves.

    Stats: max INT (18 start + levelups), CON 16 (natural), the rest into STR.

    Feats: you also want Toughness and Power Attack. You really need as much HPs as you can get. And if you want to do melee damage, then you want PA.

    Get lots of Divine Power clickies. Gives you full BAB for 1+ minutes.

    It will work. WF is the way to go. Quicken Reconstruct, more HPs. But must say I had better results with 2handers on this type of build. Needs less feats, less DEX (can go crazy with STR/CON), easier to hit and because of that can hit fine with PA on (+10 damage/hit with 2handers).

  3. #3
    Community Member Teharahma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vaardalia View Post
    So from what I read since DDO is not 100% faithful to D&D 3.5 rules multi-classing is highly frowned upon due to the lose of Spell Point, Enhancements, etc... so I was going to make a Fighter Mage Combo with all 20 lvls in Wizard. Tell me what you think of the idea, I am a TRed Warforge (former lvl 20 Rogue) lvl 13 Wizard atm.

    My base stats at lvl 20 will be as followed:

    STR: 16
    DEX: 17
    CON: 16
    INT: 20
    WIS: 14
    CHA: 14

    I was planning on going dual-wield with short swords because of my lower BAB w/ all Wizard levels. However wands do 1d6 dmg as well and would not take up a feat and add to my casting, so not sure if short sword would be a waste of a feat or not.
    Here are my planed feats at lvl 20:

    LVL 1: Spell Penetration
    LVL 3: Greater Spell Penetration
    LVL 6: Two-Weapon Fighting
    LVL 9: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
    LVL 12: Two-Weapon Defenses
    LVL 15: Short Sword
    lvl 18 feat is still up in the air, maybe Toughness or past Life Rogue feat.

    All five of my Wizard feats would be meta magics, atm I have Maximize, Extend Duration, and Eschew Material, I would pick up Quicken, and Heighten. I have seen some people w/ lvl 18 Wizard and lvl 2 Figther, maybe that works out better. Basically I see myself meleeing with buffs (Greater Heroic, Flame Shield, Haste, etc) using short swords and casting wail of the banshee.

    I am currently working on the set that gives 40% dmg to spells lvl 6 and below and adds + 2 to hit and dmg. I know Drow get Short Swords for free but I really like Warforge as a race. Hope this makes sense, could be better off as a Bard I suppose. > <
    Omg, this could very well be the best new thing!
    Rolling one up nao!
    Sweep Pick or Die!
    Quote Originally Posted by JollySwagMan View Post
    But in terms of actual quest ideas, perhaps something where Halflings ride around on Warforged in battle-backpacks with shoulder-mounted repeating crossbows.

  4. #4
    Community Member frznvimes's Avatar
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    Your stat distribution is a bit weird. Your int at 20 is kind of low (but livable), and your wis/cha are kind of high. I assume you used a lot of +2 tomes and a couple of +3s.

    As a wizard, you get 1/2 bab progression. As such, you won't be able to take improved two weapon fighting until level 12 (because of the 6+ bab requirement), and you'll never be able to take greater two weapon fighting (because it requires 11+ bab, and at 20 you only have 10).

    Two Weapon Defense only grants 1 shield ac, which isn't very good and would be overshadowed by the shield spell which grants 4 shield ac and doesn't stack (if you can even get a meaningful ac at all).

    Just use the level 1 spell master's touch instead of spending a feat for weapon proficiency.

    I would switch out Eschew Materials for Empower (materials are cheap except for the special materials for spells like stoneskin, which Eschew Materials doesn't cover).

    Definitely take toughness, and the related enhancements. As a pure wizard planning to melee, you're going to be hurting for hp.

    I agree that two handed fighting is a better way to go on this char. It frees up feats, it frees up stats, you don't need to multiclass, and you'll have an easier time hitting things.
    -Multiclassing would lose you the wizard capstone (+2 int, -1 to cost of all metamagics), 195 sp, a metamagic feat, and 4 upper level spell slots but it's the only way you'd have the bab to get gtwf (at level 20 you'd get 11 bab as an 18/2, so you'd have to take your second fighter level then so that you can buy gtwf with your bonus feat). Multiclassing isn't so much terrible for arcanes as it is sub-optimal for most purposes.
    -For a fighting caster, the divine route is generally friendlier in ddo as there are more combat buffs available, clerics don't lose much by multiclassing a couple of levels, and favored souls get some good combat bonuses (10/x dr and bonus to hit/damage).
    Last edited by frznvimes; 11-29-2010 at 05:44 AM.
    "Sometimes you have to roll a hard six." After the funeral, we all wondered why he didn't just take 10.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vaardalia View Post
    LVL 12: Two-Weapon Defenses
    LVL 15: Short Sword
    TWD makes no sense for almost anyone.
    Shortsword feat is not useful; either cast Master's Touch to have proficiency, or just use daggers instead (which are only slightly less powerful than shortswords)

  6. #6
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    dont do that build ^^

    ask some help from siggy

  7. #7
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    ATM I am using Blade of Fury, and with past life rogue sneak attack and divine fury doc I can unload some major damage in melee so 2h may be the better way to go less feats for sure, I was also woundering if seeker items stack, atm am farming the blood trinket but I saw there is a pair of googles that adds + 4 seeker. I also have to farm the 10% melee haste doc in the grave area that no one ever does. Do you think my to hit will be high enough with power attack on? In NWN 2 you could take a feat that lets you lower your chance to crit roll, is it in DDO, I did not see it. Thanks for all the wounderful feed back!

    P.S. Just so there is no confusion, this is an account I am coming back to, it is going to take a lot of exceptional Dragon Shards to redo my feats, but I never buy gear just farm it. OH and one more thing, are any of the three dragon scale docs good for my build, black, white or blue? Thanks again!
    Last edited by Vaardalia; 11-29-2010 at 03:58 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vaardalia View Post
    I also have to farm the 10% melee haste doc in the grave area that no one ever does.
    It does not make sense to use that docent if you have a Haste spell available. (Or Madstone)

  9. #9
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    Seeker does not stack. Highest only.

    Hitting with Power Attack? You can. Things that help:
    - its a toggle. If you have trouble hitting mobs, deactivate it. PA doesn't have to be allways on.
    - Greater Heroism (+4 tohit).
    - Rage spell (+2 str, so +1 tohit and damage)
    - Haste (speed)
    - good weapon. +5 weapon, not starter +1. Not 'I have in backpack', but 'the best there is'.
    - highest STR item you can equip. If you are 11, that would be +5, even +6 if item is race restricted. Not 'i have in backpack' but 'I can in theory equipe'.
    - tomes. You have +2 STR tome?
    - Khortos items set (Pathfinder for example), gives +2 tohit bonus (until you get something better)
    - Khortos googles give extra +1 tohit (until you get something better)
    - Divine Power clickie gives you full BAB for 1+ minute. Get lots and lots of them.
    - if you hit mob from behind you get +2 'flanking' bonus.

    You need to buff and twink good, then hitting things even with PA is not a big problem.

  10. #10
    Community Member r3dl4nce's Avatar
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    I think that the only real way to make a wizard/melee is warforged 17wiz/1fighter/2monk(rogue) with two handed fighting

  11. #11
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    I farmed all three of the Sora Kell items and I even got the rare doc out of eyes of stone so my hit is 32 self buffed (not counting other classes buff like divine fury) higher if the rage from the Blade of Fury is on which brings me to 25 STR. My disintegrate also hit for 408 with the Sora Kell buff and Fire Wall 75 a pop at lvl 14. I was told in next patch oddly Blade of Fury turns into + 5 enchant and you can add one more buff to (maiming is the only one I remember) and it can turn into two short swords with the same stats on each sword. > <

  12. #12
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by r3dl4nce View Post
    I think that the only real way to make a wizard/melee is warforged 17wiz/1fighter/2monk(rogue) with two handed fighting
    Nonsense... 1 Barb w/ 2 rogue works just as good!

    In all seriousness, though, it depends on where your pivot point is between casting and melee.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  13. #13
    Community Member r3dl4nce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    Nonsense... 1 Barb w/ 2 rogue works just as good!
    Well, can be a nearly different version, yeah. Just the split should be at 17 wizard or casting stat will be too sub-par. And not with useless feats like the OP posted, and with two handed fighting

  14. #14
    Community Member Anneliese's Avatar
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    I like the 17 wizard / 2 monk / 1 fighter too - you can max MS/Hide, cast invis, change into wraith form and be an excellent shadowmage
    Devourer: Anneliese, 20 Drow Sorc

  15. #15
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    I just pulled a Shimmering Arrowhead from a chest, does it give a + 2 to dmg and hit or just hit, and will it be better for me then bloodstone keeping in mind I may not be able to make an epic bloodstone, or is it a range weapon trinket?

  16. #16
    Community Member r3dl4nce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vaardalia View Post
    I just pulled a Shimmering Arrowhead from a chest, does it give a + 2 to dmg and hit or just hit, and will it be better for me then bloodstone keeping in mind I may not be able to make an epic bloodstone, or is it a range weapon trinket?
    only +hit, use the spectral gloves for the +2 to hit and take bloodstone in trinket

  17. #17
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by r3dl4nce View Post
    only +hit, use the spectral gloves for the +2 to hit and take bloodstone in trinket
    If you're tight on inventory spaces (lots of nifty gloves to contend with the Spectral), the Shimmering Arrowhead is an excellant slot consolidator. The Seeker + 4 isn't as good as a Bloodstone, but well worth not having to swap gloves to throw a Heal scroll.
    Last edited by Phidius; 12-12-2010 at 04:20 PM. Reason: spelling error
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  18. #18


    I am a fan of the 18/2 wiz/rog split for melee as well as casting. Also i like Pale Master aura and extra hps are a given. Use a nice 2hander set up your Int at max, then a nice balance of Str and Con. Every thing else is cake.

    An Aura, a few guards, may be a DoT spell and swing away.

    It lets you switch roles from caster, to rogue, to mid range melee. You still would be a caster first. But you can handle many tasks well.

    I bet most classes would work for you if you don't want to go 2 rog. 2 fighter is fine. I bet 1 fighter 1 barb would also be fine.

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