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  1. #1
    Community Member AltheaSteelrain's Avatar
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    Default HoX: The PUG Gods cursed me

    Today: Failed HoX five times in a row, always the dogs dying. Normal

    Yesterday: Failed HoX six times in a row, always the dogs dying. Normal

    Conclusion. I'm cursed, I'm fated to be w/ bad PUGs this weekend.

    No +2 loot for me.

    Then again I did my first elite shroud today w/ a PUG so it was a good experience though I know people did it better (level 12 - 16 as I read it right on the other thread)

    /rant off.
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    I've never spent more than 5 minutes in a character generator. But I've spent countless hours talking about myself, and how great I am.

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  2. #2
    Community Member stille_nacht's Avatar
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    ive only failed 2 HoX runs outa 8 o-O, though those two were because of the dogs dying, no i dont want to PUG it anymore...
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  3. #3
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    So, 11 failed hound runs, all PUGs. Were you the only common factor in all 11 tries? Hmmm........

    I won't PUG HOX anymore unless it's with channel friends. Not worth the time to run out there, but I do like collecting Planar shards. Sounds like you should be getting close to a Large Ing bag.
    There is no lag. Just because you had none before and can't play now doesn't mean the server move had anything to do with it.

  4. #4
    Community Member Wurmheart's Avatar
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    blacklist those healers then?

    and how much healers did your party bring?
    2 is usually enough but risky, but with 3 it should be easy as hell

  5. #5
    Community Member AltheaSteelrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stille_nacht View Post
    ive only failed 2 HoX runs outa 8 o-O, though those two were because of the dogs dying, no i dont want to PUG it anymore...
    You have 25% success rate then. :P

    Quote Originally Posted by biggin View Post
    So, 11 failed hound runs, all PUGs. Were you the only common factor in all 11 tries? Hmmm........

    I won't PUG HOX anymore unless it's with channel friends. Not worth the time to run out there, but I do like collecting Planar shards. Sounds like you should be getting close to a Large Ing bag.
    Yep. I'm getting 5 shards each failed run so prolly this is what the gods are telling me: get your bag! Mercy for your cluttered inventory!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wurmheart View Post
    blacklist those healers then?

    and how much healers did your party bring?
    2 is usually enough but risky, but with 3 it should be easy as hell
    I always run HoX w/ two healers and a bard (me) and request all wizards to load up recon scrolls/spells for the WF, tank or non-tank. Did half of the failed runs w/ three healers and a bard (me) but still faildom.

    and I don't like to blacklist people. I always give chances unless they really **** everyone off w/ their retardness
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    I've never spent more than 5 minutes in a character generator. But I've spent countless hours talking about myself, and how great I am.

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  6. #6
    Community Member Purgatory's Avatar
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    Learn to put a raid together properly and you wont fail it. Ofcourse that assuming you know how to lead the raid and if not then you have no room to complain about failing raids you cant lead yourself...

    Don't buy into the take first 11 people that hit the lfm BS some left wing hippie want you to swallow cuz that the only way they can get into a group is if someone blindly take them in.

    That doesnt mean exclude people that are new but deffiently excluse people that are trying to hide the fact they are new (these the ones that cause you problems) and ofcourse the ones from those guilds (you know wich guilds they are) they never bring nothing to the table except for death and disaster.

    Puting something in your lfm like send tell for invite will help you weed out people that cant seem to read and are in-capable of following simplest instructions

  7. #7
    Community Member AltheaSteelrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purgatory View Post
    Learn to put a raid together properly and you wont fail it. Ofcourse that assuming you know how to lead the raid and if not then you have no room to complain about failing raids you cant lead yourself...

    Don't buy into the take first 11 people that hit the lfm BS some left wing hippie want you to swallow cuz that the only way they can get into a group is if someone blindly take them in.

    That doesnt mean exclude people that are new but deffiently excluse people that are trying to hide the fact they are new (these the ones that cause you problems) and of course the ones from those guilds (you know wich guilds they are) they never bring nothing to the table except for death and disaster.

    Puting something in your lfm like send tell for invite will help you weed out people that cant seem to read and are in-capable of following simplest instructions
    You assume too much and judged me as though I did a first 11 omg who cares motley group on the LFM for HoX. That is not fair.

    As I said, I know the "basic" raid composition on every possible raid I can do (Vod, HoX, TS and Shroud) but will not hesitate to bring along newbies that do listen. What I do complain about is the fact that a even TR'ed to whatever clerics/fvs brought into my raid group I fail to comprehend the rapid deaths of Puppies on normal.

    And what did I do? I adjust of course. I stopped buffing GH on the dogs the next run I did yesteday (my 2nd run afterwards) because maybe it is I to blame. But no, dogs still kept dying. I brought another cleric/fvs into the group (3rd run afterwards) but still nada, failure dogs kept dying. Maybe I should backup heal (4th run afterwards). Nada, dogs kept dying because I'm a gimped bard that can only cycle spot healing Cue Crit Cure Serious Cure Mod Scroll Heal Scrolls. So blame the bard then?

    So tell me is it the tanks? I know my tanks for HoX. I'm no math genius but I know w/c icon is the best possible chance of accepting a proper intimitank for HoX Normal, and had never failed so far in getting a intimitank into my group.

    Is it the bard(me)? I know my stone duties, i even know all the superstitious beliefs about bards and non-bards using the stone.

    Is it other people then? I don't know, I don't want to blame, all I know is I always remind people both Jaded and New to not use vorpals, dont kill dogs, bring puppies in the middle and try not to bring stuff in the middle that doesn't have four legs and spits green stuff at their mother.

    Is it pugging in general? Maybe.

    Will I stop pugging HoX? Probably.

    But will I discriminate people (unless they are retards?) No.

    That is why I am cursed because I refuse to be an elitist and reject people unless they are really retards and will waste our time.

    Last edited by AltheaSteelrain; 11-28-2010 at 12:40 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    I've never spent more than 5 minutes in a character generator. But I've spent countless hours talking about myself, and how great I am.

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  8. #8
    Community Member NinjaCereal's Avatar
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    I've never been in so many failed raids as I have in HoX. Maybe the raid itself is cursed...
    Sarlona ~ Lrenaj Mornaur ♦ Lrel Jayden ♦ WeepingAngel

  9. #9
    Community Member AltheaSteelrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaCereal View Post
    I've never been in so many failed raids as I have in HoX. Maybe the raid itself is cursed...
    I know. That's why I posted this because I found it odd to kept failing a very easy raid. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    I've never spent more than 5 minutes in a character generator. But I've spent countless hours talking about myself, and how great I am.

    The Most Gimpiest Bard Build Ever!
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  10. #10
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    This week, it's not the healer's fault. The game is having HUGE lag spikes from the mabar event

  11. #11
    Community Member AltheaSteelrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmnh View Post
    This week, it's not the healer's fault. The game is having HUGE lag spikes from the mabar event
    Funny though I get the lag spikes in part 1 of shroud always instead of randomly and or during the dragon summoning this week. I guess its different for everyone experiencing the mabar faildom
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    I've never spent more than 5 minutes in a character generator. But I've spent countless hours talking about myself, and how great I am.

    The Most Gimpiest Bard Build Ever!
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  12. #12
    Founder Blackbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AltheaSteelrain View Post
    No +2 loot for me.
    I did an elite Hound and Shroud this weekend for loot. Trust me, you didn't miss anything. I got better loot from the end rewards of the couple casual Preys I ran for Tempest runes.
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  13. #13
    Community Member AltheaSteelrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackbird View Post
    I did an elite Hound and Shroud this weekend for loot. Trust me, you didn't miss anything. I got better loot from the end rewards of the couple casual Preys I ran for Tempest runes.
    but i want my tumbleweed @_@
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    I've never spent more than 5 minutes in a character generator. But I've spent countless hours talking about myself, and how great I am.

    The Most Gimpiest Bard Build Ever!
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  14. #14
    Community Member biggin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaCereal View Post
    I've never been in so many failed raids as I have in HoX. Maybe the raid itself is cursed...
    It isn't cursed, it's just the only raid in the game that requires self sufficient players. Everyone around the outside needs to be able to keep themselves healed up and whoever is in the middle needs to be able to take care of any mobs that make it in. I can't tell you how I want to tear my hair out watching people's health bars slowly drop down, or even worse get one shotted by a beholder. Also, if your cleric or fvs in party don't regularly lead raids, you need to either be in there to babysit or make sure you trust whoever is. Dog healing is no different than healing any other raid, just timing and using your SP efficiently.

    I'm not taking a shot at you, my last 2 tries have failed because for whatever reason the people running the outside can't seem to keep themselves alive, even after being told if they can't handle the aggro then just take a swing and run. I think new players run Shroud and VoD and think to themselves, "I don't need to worry about anything, the clerics will keep me alive." Basically I wouldn't take anyone on a HOX raid that I wouldn't take in a BYOH group.
    There is no lag. Just because you had none before and can't play now doesn't mean the server move had anything to do with it.

  15. #15
    Community Member NinjaCereal's Avatar
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    In a pug for HoX right now, we'll see how this goes...
    Sarlona ~ Lrenaj Mornaur ♦ Lrel Jayden ♦ WeepingAngel

  16. #16
    Community Member Purgatory's Avatar
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    There is your problem you alredy stated it, you take anyone and everyone that hit your lfm (especialy your healers) and then wonder why you fail all the time.....

    you can call me an elitest all you want but im not the one failing raids and then complaining about it.

    When I host a raid and lead it, I feel that im responsible to make sure that everyone in the raid has a fair chance of completing it to begin with and could not live with myself if I got lazy, irresponsible and continue to waste 11 other people time due to incompitance by just accept anyone and everyone that was capable of having a internet connecion at that moment of time. If your alright with wasting 11 other poeple time that just want to get a completion in, shame on you. Good raid leader not only knows the raid well, but also knows how to form one up. If you have players that cant follow simple directions (and there tons of them out there), you know the type those are the ones usualy tossing out the "Elitest" in defence of there mess-ups or my favorite "It's just a game dude" so its ok to run around act like a complete idiot making other people playing experiance less then enjoyable. There just no respect for other people time and for some that time is very limited. I find it funy how people can say thing like "It's just a game dude" or call other Elitest for placing value in something they have and are investing there time into. Once you start joining and forming groups with other players its no longer your time and its no longer "just a game" when you incorprate other people time to the equation and that time has value. No game in the world is "just a game" when it involves more then one person. Anyone that thinks differntly is self-centerd, lazy and someone i dont want anything to do with as they obviosly have no respect for me and my time.

    Any healer worth anything can solo heal hound simply by pushing the same button every few seconds (mass heal)
    Its not hard to do....
    Last edited by Purgatory; 11-28-2010 at 01:40 PM.

  17. #17
    Community Member AltheaSteelrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purgatory View Post
    There is your problem you alredy stated it, you take anyone and everyone that hit your lfm (especialy your healers) and then wonder why you fail all the time.....

    As I said I know how to put a proper raid composition for the said raid. To be honest though after two healers a bard and a intimitank, what's left to do w/ the other slots? Shortman it?

    I rather use those slots to teach other people. What I am complaining about is not the noobs/newbs, is the healers not healing the dogs properly, regardless if they are TR or not, newbie or noob.

    you can call me an elitest all you want but im not the one failing raids and then complaining about it.

    I'm not even calling you that. All I am saying is that you are being unfair to your judgment on me as though I brought 11 tag alongs.

    I played long enough thank you to even make a "WoW-like" raid group when I'm too lazy to make grinding completions fun and full of drama

    When I host a raid and lead it, I feel that im responsible to make sure that everyone in the raid has a fair chance of completing it to begin with and could not live with myself if I got lazy, irresponsible and continue to waste 11 other people time due to incompitance by just accept anyone and everyone that was capable of having a internet connecion at that moment of time. If your alright with wasting 11 other poeple time that just want to get a completion in, shame on you. Good raid leader not only knows the raid well, but also knows how to form one up. If you have players that cant follow simple directions (and there tons of them out there), you know the type those are the ones usualy tossing out the "Elitest" in defence of there mess-ups or my favorite "It's just a game dude" so its ok to run around act like a complete idiot making other people playing experiance less then enjoyable. There just no respect for other people time and for some that time is very limited. I find it funy how people can say thing like "It's just a game dude" or call other Elitest for placing value in something they have and are investing there time into. Once you start joining and forming groups with other players its no longer your time and its no longer "just a game" when you incorprate other people time to the equation and that time has value. No game in the world is "just a game" when it involves more then one person. Anyone that thinks differntly is self-centerd, lazy and someone i dont want anything to do with as they obviosly have no respect for me and my time.

    While I agree to your sentiments, you are too hostile in your manner of approach

    Any healer worth anything can solo heal hound simply by pushing the same button every few seconds (mass heal)
    Its not hard to do....

    While it is true, puppies still die even on norm, even with a WOW-like raid composition and capped toons as long as its a PUG
    answer in purple
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    I've never spent more than 5 minutes in a character generator. But I've spent countless hours talking about myself, and how great I am.

    The Most Gimpiest Bard Build Ever!
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  18. #18
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    Op, tell your dog tank to take his guards off.

    I'm a bit dissapointed in this thread, the drama is basically non existent.

    Where are all the "IwasinthatraidFUmyguyisgreatyourguysucksitwasyour faultwefailedPMPLZ" posts?
    Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Purgatory View Post
    Puting something in your lfm like send tell for invite will help you weed out people that cant seem to read and are in-capable of following simplest instructions
    This. Plus, I love to decline people who apply w/o sending a /tell then messaging me that I really must have no clue of this game since I declined them.

    This is usually followed by a: 'Welcome to the retards' list, do not hesitate to learn how to read it's never too late!'

  20. #20
    Community Member NinjaCereal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaCereal View Post
    In a pug for HoX right now, we'll see how this goes...
    Annnnnnd fail. Then again, what did I expect in a pug on hard with a new guy...
    Sarlona ~ Lrenaj Mornaur ♦ Lrel Jayden ♦ WeepingAngel

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