Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
It's a technique and knowledge over power raid...
Thanks for the breakdown of the HoX, I learned something from this.

Some additional comments though:

1. It is rare for me to send someone to get the 4th stone; when this happens, its usually I sense the middle team is in danger and I naturally assume that I will be needed there to heal/buff and save the raid. But usually I get all stones before proceeding.

2. I will probably try to haste before I sing, or maybe haste + stoneskin before songs and whatever else needed.

3. I will let the group know that killing the dogs when they broken free from charms is better and more efficient than tanking them; prolly just within Guildies since we'll be almost at raid strength (horaay for more members!!!!~ )

Quote Originally Posted by Purgatory View Post
no you didnt mention that, Well that probly one your bigest problems right there, get a mic!

No one takes the TYPEing leader very seriously and they 100x easy to ignore over the guy that going

"ARE you always this incompitent or today just a special day for you?" over voice chat to realy grab there attention.
Probably. I guess I haven't adjusted yet on a MMORPG that is primarily voice over keyboard. Usually MMO's in SE Asia are still a keyboard based communication system and I learned to type fast and concise through this.

I think its time to level up... LOL

Quote Originally Posted by Purgatory View Post
Agreed! tell them pujjers who big daddy is and your not takeing no BS from some tree huggin hippy sissy that starts to cry when a bit of testostrone gets slung there way. In this group there only one way of doing things and that way is my way or you can take that poor of excuse gimp of yours back down the street with its thumb in the air looking for next free ride down pujjer highway.

Thanks guys for the insights >

Will do better next time!