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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010


    I just want to say thanks for the advice. I ran Tempest Spine with a decent party, the leader of which gae me about 5 major mnemonic pots right off the bat. Apparently getting on a decent team and stating what I need up front works, also, it helped greatly to have a really good leader. I'd love to post the guys name just to give him some credit but I honestly can't remember it.

    I just hit 12, and didn't know about Radiant Servant, but I'll get it ASAP. I wondered what that aura wasand I've been dying to get it.

    Anyway, thank you all for the great advice. It's nice to see my 1st post was recieved with some really great responses. Not what I'm used to from most MMO message boards. IMO it says something for the experienced players character.


  2. #42
    Community Member zorander6's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Here is the WIKI on the Radiant Servant PRE.
    This is the requirements from the WIKI:

    "Cleric Radiant Servant I

    * Usage: Passive

    * Cost: 4 action points

    * Progression: 16 action points

    * Requires One of: Cleric Divine Cleansing I, Cleric Divine Healing I, Cleric Divine Light I, Cleric Divine Might I, Cleric Divine Vitality I

    * Requires All of: Empower Healing Spell, Cleric Improved Turning I, Improved Heal II, Cleric Life Magic II

    * Available to Cleric class level 6

    * you count as 1 Level higher when channeling Positive Energy or Light based spells, any Undead that you successfully turn with your turn ability are destroyed instead of frightened, and your turns regenerate over time (1 every 2 minutes), even if you get feebleminded, or your maximum number of Turn Undeads change by other "indirect" means. You also gain the ability to expend a turn attempt to create a positive energy burst.

    * This enhancement automatically grants the following:

    [edit] Positive Energy Burst
    Radiant Servant II Positive Energy Aura

    * Expend a use of turn undead to produce positive energy that expands from the caster, healing 1 to 8 plus 1 per caster Level to all nearby Allies, as well as removing 1 to 4 negative Levels and 1 to 6 points of ability damage. Undead are instead damaged by the energy, taking 1 to 8 points of damage per caster Level, a successful Will save reduces the damage by a half.

    [edit] Cleric Radiant Servant II

    * Usage: Passive

    * Cost: 2 action points

    * Progression: 42 action points

    * Requires One of: Bladesworn Transformation, Silver Flame Exorcism, Undying Call, Unyielding Sovereignty, Vulkoor’s Avatar, Cleric Charisma II

    * Requires All of: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I, Cleric Prayer of Life I, Cleric Radiant Servant I

    * Available to Cleric class level 12

    * The Empower Healing metamagic now grants you a 75% bonus to healing spells instead of 50%, and you count as an additional 1 Level higher when channeling positive energy or light based spells. You also gain the ability to expend a turn attempt to create a positive energy aura.

    [edit] Positive Energy Aura

    * Expend a use of turn undead to create a positive energy aura effect on yourself, which envelops the caster in an aura of healing, positive energy, and affects a number of targets equal to caster level. Allies within the aura are healed 1 hit point per 3 caster Levels as long as they remain within it and Undead enemies are damaged for the same amount. "

    Edit: Also note that you have several level 1-3 spells that can enhance your melee ability other than divine might (which if your cha is high enough can be nice.) The downside of these spells is they are very short (even with extend) so only cast them if you are in the middle of a fight. My suggestion is to take divine vitality 1 enhancement, since you regen turns slowly it can give another spell caster a cast of something if they are lucky. Use the turns primarily for healing though.
    Last edited by zorander6; 11-28-2010 at 05:38 PM.
    Cannith - Falconsbane(8 - 3rd life), NeedOil (14), NeedMead, Needfood, hobbitarcher(5)
    Sarlona - Zebidiahh (19.8), Anotherpers(20), Smurgh(16), Falconsbane(14), Needoil(15)
    The first rule of the trashcan guild is expect to die...
    There is no second rule.

  3. #43
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default no offense but,

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovetheusers View Post
    Am I doing something wrong? healbot...the answer will be, get a better group, which isn't an option.
    Yes, your doing it wrong.
    First a cleric is not a healbot. If that is how you play one, then the team is going to eat your sp half way between shrines about 75% of the time.
    The cleric has a great deal available other than "hjealz" that can do more good than heals.

    Your going to get the blame for any fail and no credit for any completion no matter how much plat you vacuum out of your couch and into their healthbar.

    If you let the PUG push you into the pigeon hole with "HEALZ ME" then you have chosen to be broke.

    The answer is, "make a better group."
    Teach these no pots, 8 con swing sticks. Explain up front that you are not their nanny. You'll be happy to heal as best can be done but if they have no healing for between fights and no cures then they are going to end up dead.
    You'll also happily res them in combat. If your low or it is after combat they'll need a ride to the shrine. But, the first whine or insult results in a squelched and they'll be on their own.

    If they are not getting enough healing then they should consider providing some for themselves. Heck cure moderate wound wands are all but free just make sure and snag the collectibles and turn in the wave crasher manifests. I have been known to give these to the more needful in a PUG and explain they need to learn to do for themselves what others don't.

    Cleric is a breeze to solo just about anything. They need you, you don't need them. regardless of what their ego thinks.

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