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  1. #41
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    I don't care what Germanophile told you what reconstructed lies, but the German tribes - the ones living in little wattle and daub huts (that's sticks and cow excrement for the rest of you) got pwned. Over and over and over.

    The Hate is strong in this one.

    I dont know if you got your info from MiniTru, but thats not what happened. The Romans defeated some tribes, but got some major defeats dealt and decided that the wilderness was not worth investing even more man & coins, so they fell back a bit to more defensible positions, build the Limes, and called it a day.

    Later (as in ~300 years) they hired more and more germanic tribesmen as soldiers of fortune and took them into the Army, till the Roman Army of the Western Empire was largely run by germans with some roman training. But depending on hired Mercenarys (Foederati) with not exactly shining Loyalty to The Empire was not healthy, and in 476 the remains of the Western Empire were dismanteled by ... tada... a german King, Odoacer.

    In the End Roma looked like this:

    Thats when The Dark Ages started, which were not a "funtime" for western civilization.
    Last edited by Noctus; 11-27-2010 at 12:09 AM.
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  2. #42
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noctus View Post
    I dont know if you got your info from MiniTru, but thats not what happened. The Romans defeated some tribes, but got some major defeats dealt and decided that the wilderness was not worth investing even more man & coins, so they fell back a bit to more defensible positions, build the Limes, and called it a day.
    Basically what I said. It wasn't worth the Roman Empire's time and resources to fight guerilla warfare with German barbarians over a bunch of trees when there were actually worthwhile areas they could spend their energy on like Egypt, Syria, Gaul, Spain, etc.

    Later (as in ~300 years) they hired more and more germanic tribesmen as soldiers of fortune and took them into the Army,
    Yes, that is what the Romans did: hire one barbarian tribe to fight against another barbarian tribe. They did it with the Slavs, Huns, Celts, Britons, and North Africans as well. German tribes weren't special in that regard.

    Roman Army of the Western Empire was largely run by germans with some roman training. But depending on hired Mercenarys (Foederati) with not exactly shining Loyalty to The Empire was not healthy, and in 476 the remains of the Western Empire were dismanteled by ... tada... a german King, Odoacer.

    You present a fun little Germano-centric fairy tale version of what happened, but you left out actual historical facts such as why "King" Odoacer and his band of thugs were able to pull it off:

    1- The empire had already split into two halves. The richest, most powerful half being the Eastern Roman Empire, which, tada, lasted about another 1000 years after Western Rome fell to the barbarians.

    2- The 'Western Empire' had been defeated several times already by others - including Attila the Hun and had already been dismantled to the point that it was basically a rump state consisting of the Italian peninsula and part of Dalmatia.

    3- Odoacer was a mercenary hired by a Roman to help him depose the current Western Emporer, and like the treacherous thug he was, he turned on his employer and tried become king himself.

    4- Odoacer's 'kingship' lasted all of five seconds. Once the Eastern Roman Empire, got wind of it, Constantinople basically told him he could be their vassal or he could get his lederhosen swatted.

  3. #43
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    Default Buß- und Bettag

    I live in Saxony. We have Buß- und Bettag. It's always the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. While Thanksgiving is actually just an Erntedankfest, our Buß- und Bettag is a day to reflect on your sins and beg God for forgiveness. This seems like a sensible prelude to a day where you are thankful for what you have, so that you can get up early the next day and fight with people to save money on **** you don't need. Americans are hypocrits, in my opinion. Being as how I spent my first 33 years there, and lived all over the place over there, I feel well qualify to say so.

    Edit: Seriously???? C- R- A- P is a curse word? Is this Kindergarten??

  4. #44
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