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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inspire View Post
    Thats not an exploit, its a game mechanic that is working as intended. It is however, greifing if he spam casts that spell on you, and you can report the caster for doing so.
    hmm, i'd say the moment you entered the pvp pit you agreed with the high possibility of constant harrassment. if you actually get dance after another, just log out for 5 minutes and get out of the pit once you are back in. problem solved.

    i mean thats like complaining you get shot by a sniper at the same spot over and over in a fps game without trying another route.
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inspire View Post
    Thats not an exploit, its a game mechanic that is working as intended. It is however, greifing if he spam casts that spell on you, and you can report the caster for doing so.
    Yep constantly hitting people or casting spells at them in pvp is griefing . So dont do it ,

  3. #23
    Community Member sainy_matthew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inspire View Post
    Thats not an exploit, its a game mechanic that is working as intended. It is however, greifing if he spam casts that spell on you, and you can report the caster for doing so.
    I hate to say this... because i hate PVP & the people who play it. However thats not griefing... No more then level 20 ranger builds standing in the back of the PVP in the Wayward Lobster 1 shot killing level 2 PC's is. Its incredibly ****ish, but thats essentially what PVP is about. PVP is about pulling out your metaphorical internet **** & waving it around like some sort of standard to show you've got way to much time on your hands & are possibly allergic to sunlight.

    That is all


  4. #24
    Community Member lhidda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alternative View Post
    Bloody casters! remove all their spells altogether, and just keep the buffs so that they can hjaste my 400hp 40ac tank!
    This tank u mention is lvl 5?

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    I hate to say this... because i hate PVP & the people who play it. However thats not griefing... No more then level 20 ranger builds standing in the back of the PVP in the Wayward Lobster 1 shot killing level 2 PC's is. Its incredibly ****ish, but thats essentially what PVP is about. PVP is about pulling out your metaphorical internet **** & waving it around like some sort of standard to show you've got way to much time on your hands & are possibly allergic to sunlight.

    That is all

    so you are on of those lvl2's and keep going back in, right?

    pvp is incredibly boring. its immobilize/instakill or be dead. no fight, no fun. still there seem to be killers and victims enough and they both enjoy their role enough to keep going back to do it over and over. who are you to judge them and accuse them with your petty insults?
    Thelanis - Inferus Sus
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleric999 View Post
    The ottos dance exploit is getting really old. A caster with no skill can simply ottos dance someone a ridiculously long time with no possible save and cast attack spells over and over. It's simply ruining PVP and would like to see this resolved in update 8.

    Works for me, I say just remove it from the game,

    Oh wait you thought I was talking about the spell? Sorry, no remove PvP from the game. Problem solved.

    In the DnD world caster were the most powerful of all the classes and as it stands now they are growing weaker with each mode. we have had to come to undeath to gain a small bit of power back and you come here about a casters last defence Grrrrr
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  7. #27
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    Quick somebody call a Wambalance!!!

  8. #28
    Founder Nysrock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    Quick somebody call a Wambalance!!!
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  9. #29
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    I'm a bit lost...someone intentionally entered a PvP pit and got upset because someone killed them? With a short range cc ability?




    I'm sorry, I cannot sympathise......
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  10. #30
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    Every damage spell that a player can cast has a save, why should Ottos Irrestible Dance be any different? I highly doubt it was ever intended to be able to be abused in PVP. Wayward lobster is a small cramped arena, there's no way to be able to do enough damage to a WF caster before the caster can get close enough to dance you.

    There's no reason with DnD that the current PVP system can't be tweaked to make it more balanced and to provide some diversity in what can do in the game. PVP currently doesn't and shouldn't be forced onto people but there's no reason it can't add fun optional gameplay. As it is right now if you have a beef with someone or guilds want to prove they are better than someone else there's no way to fairly settle it. Right now all guilds can do is talk trash to each other which is pointless. When look at games like Lineage 2 guilds can fight for control of castles every week and have an impact on the in-game economy, which really adds an interesting, fun, and competitive element to the game. I think many people here are very resistant to change as many are longterm paper and paper DnD players.
    Last edited by Cleric999; 11-26-2010 at 04:48 AM.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eistander View Post
    I think he means the Otto's Irresistible Dance.

    Only "fix" I see is remove the spell altogether, that would make it fair, right? In effect the best defense against a caster, is to NOT get in that casting range, or use items to protect yourself from said spells.. or even better than that, don't PVP, knowing that it is not a balanced aspect of this PvE game.

    Balancing combat is just asking for the easy button. Sometimes you have to lose a battle to realize how to win the war.

  12. #32
    Founder Nysrock's Avatar
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    Really, seeing someone Maximize, Empower with full buffs and spam casting spells in PvP is no indication of who is better. How often does something like that happen during quests? Most casters have to be somewhat conservative of their SP or they will run out fast.
    ... a soldier,
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  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleric999 View Post
    There's no reason with DnD that the current PVP system can't be tweaked to make it more balanced and to provide some diversity in what can do in the game. PVP currently doesn't and shouldn't be forced onto people but there's no reason it can't add fun optional gameplay. As it is right now if you have a beef with someone or guilds want to prove they are better than someone else there's no way to fairly settle it. Right now all guilds can do is talk trash to each other which is pointless. When look at games like Lineage 2 guilds can fight for control of castles every week and have an impact on the in-game economy, which really adds an interesting, fun, and competitive element to the game. I think many people here are very resistant to change as many are longterm paper and paper DnD players.
    Yeah and in guild wars the PvP is so much better than in DDO , its shocking that a game that came out with the very specific intent to offer PvE game play that dosent pander to the needs of PVP would not Offer balanced and complex PvP options .

    While a lot of people are "paper and paper" players many others are resistant to PvP as they have hoose this game as their mmo as it concentrates on PvE development focusing on co-operation .

    Spending valuble dev time on any thing to do with PVP is a waste of resources .

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Cleric999 View Post
    Every damage spell that a player can cast has a save, why should Ottos Irrestible Dance be any different? I highly doubt it was ever intended to be able to be abused in PVP. Wayward lobster is a small cramped arena, there's no way to be able to do enough damage to a WF caster before the caster can get close enough to dance you.

    There's no reason with DnD that the current PVP system can't be tweaked to make it more balanced and to provide some diversity in what can do in the game. PVP currently doesn't and shouldn't be forced onto people but there's no reason it can't add fun optional gameplay. As it is right now if you have a beef with someone or guilds want to prove they are better than someone else there's no way to fairly settle it. Right now all guilds can do is talk trash to each other which is pointless. When look at games like Lineage 2 guilds can fight for control of castles every week and have an impact on the in-game economy, which really adds an interesting, fun, and competitive element to the game. I think many people here are very resistant to change as many are longterm paper and paper DnD players.
    1) It's a high level (8th?) single target spell, and SHOULD be powerful, thus no save.

    2) D&D was never balanced in ANY version...casters are actually nerfed horribly in this game as-is compared to PnP, so whather people are PnP players and don't want change or otherwise simply doesn't even enter into this's already 90% different where casters come in.

    3) If you honestly have "a beef" with another player or guild in this game that requires settling...maybe you need a timeout...

    4) This game is NOT PvP...don't know how many times people have to repeat this. Devs have stated that there ARE NO PLANS TO ADD TO PVP. Whether you are simply hopeful or just naieve, there is no reason to think that anything further will be added or changed for PvP in a game based on PvE, where the devs have agreed there will be no support for PvP, and where 90% of the playerbase would absolutely revolt if any change "For PvP" ever affected their PvE experience.

    5) If you want to do guild vs. guild PvP and you are worried about "outsiders" griefing you, just set up an arena match with one of the peoples outside the pit...that way, nobody outside the fight can grief you.

    6) If you want PvP and the PvP in DDO is not enough for you, might I sincerely advise you look into some games such as Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online, City of Heroes/Villans, Guild Wars, etc., where the games are either BASED on PvP, or at least where the PvP is constantly being updated/added to and is well-balanced. You will have a much easier time asking for cannolis at an italian restaraunt than asking for them at an Indian restaraunt...
    Yazston the Invoker, Nyyarlathotep, Thongo Stonesplitter, Stumpvvater Jack, Iaug Sothoth, Egostu Theman, Hastuur D'Rlyeh,
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  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanmeerkat View Post
    Yeah and in guild wars the PvP is so much better than in DDO , its shocking that a game that came out with the very specific intent to offer PvE game play that dosent pander to the needs of PVP would not Offer balanced and complex PvP options .

    While a lot of people are "paper and paper" players many others are resistant to PvP as they have hoose this game as their mmo as it concentrates on PvE development focusing on co-operation .

    Spending valuble dev time on any thing to do with PVP is a waste of resources .
    Besides, here is the end result of balanced combat: He who swings first wins. The definition of balanced means both parties can give and take the same amounts of damage. Why have different classes and races when the end result is to make it no different to play one or the other. Why not try playing a sorcerer. Then you might understand why they want to get the drop on you with Otto's. As a sorcerer I don't want to be flat on my back and one shotted.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleric999 View Post
    The ottos dance exploit is getting really old. A caster with no skill can simply ottos dance someone a ridiculously long time with no possible save and cast attack spells over and over. It's simply ruining PVP and would like to see this resolved in update 8.
    And i would like to see pvp removed from the game completely.

    Just so these whiny 'waaaaaaahhhh he beat me' threads would stop.

    That's not likely to happen either... If you don't like what other classes can do in pvp. don't go there or use a private instance.

    And stop pretending pvp involves any sort of skill. All you're doing is pushing a button. Just like everyone else.

  17. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by blitzschlag View Post
    hmm, i'd say the moment you entered the pvp pit you agreed with the high possibility of constant harrassment. if you actually get dance after another, just log out for 5 minutes and get out of the pit once you are back in. problem solved.

    i mean thats like complaining you get shot by a sniper at the same spot over and over in a fps game without trying another route.
    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    I hate to say this... because i hate PVP & the people who play it. However thats not griefing... No more then level 20 ranger builds standing in the back of the PVP in the Wayward Lobster 1 shot killing level 2 PC's is.
    Although I don't mean to defend any PvPers, it CAN be griefing...

    Basically, if the guy enters the PvP arena and one particular player dances him and yet does not kill him, then constantly repeats with no intent to kill, that has already been established as griefing, and action can be taken against the griefer. Don't ask why I know this...I hate PvP as well, but I do know this.

    Not sure if that's what happened, but I'll put it out there.

    Basically Dance+kill or Dance+try to kill=no griefing...Dance w/no kill over and over=griefing
    Last edited by Yazston_the_Invoker; 11-26-2010 at 05:27 AM. Reason: Grammar is my fwiend!!! :D
    Yazston the Invoker, Nyyarlathotep, Thongo Stonesplitter, Stumpvvater Jack, Iaug Sothoth, Egostu Theman, Hastuur D'Rlyeh,
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  18. #38
    Community Member Templarion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldeneye View Post
    But PvP is the perfect measure of game balance.

    Perfect one. +1

  19. #39
    Community Member AyumiAmakusa's Avatar
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    And here I was, thinking this had something to do with being able to cast Otto's on the NPCs.

    Whoops, I wasn't supposed to tell you that.
    In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.

  20. #40
    Community Member sainy_matthew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blitzschlag View Post
    Who are you to judge them and accuse them with your petty insults?
    Oh me... I'm nobody, i'm just the voice of every person whose ever been insta killed by level 20 character in PVP in a starting area (even though there are other PVP areas that are literally never used , in areas known for higher level play).


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