Hi just started playing the game, was wondering after reincarnation, will ddo store quests
Remain? Will tomes remain? what happens to the character's items and stuff.
Hi just started playing the game, was wondering after reincarnation, will ddo store quests
Remain? Will tomes remain? what happens to the character's items and stuff.
After you true reincarnate you keep all ddo store quests, and all items are put into a new bank account that is withdraw only.
As for tomes all the one's you have eaten already will be lost.
If you do a lesser reincarnate you lose nothing.
~ Jaydiin ~ Diviinity ~ Xandaria ~ Chumpion ~ Curella ~ and many more not worth mentioning
So it is better to use tomes at your final reincarnation? Or I can apply lesser incarnate to keep the tomes from 32pt (I bought) to 34 and then 36pt
And when I reincarnate, will I be able to choose a new class? For example I picked cleric for my first run. When he reached lvl 20? I suppose, and reincarnate. Will I be able to pick a new class? Like Fighter and or choose a new race?
Sorry I'm browsing through my mobile phone so it's difficult to find posts with regards to these questions in the forum
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end with must NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
So TR will let you attain 32 34 & eventually 36 pt builds but will wipe off your tomes each time.