The title says it all, gents. You know the drill. Send me offers and if I don't get overwhelmed and hide from you all, maybe we can work something out.
The title says it all, gents. You know the drill. Send me offers and if I don't get overwhelmed and hide from you all, maybe we can work something out.
"I prefer the term, 'Freelance Wealth Redistribution Specialist'."
My offer of 3 Large Devil Scales and 1 Flawless Red still stands
Well, let it go to bed. Not interested.
"I prefer the term, 'Freelance Wealth Redistribution Specialist'."
Community Member
More feedback other than no would help in negotiating a trade what do you want added in to trade to sweeten the deal a GS blank of your choice? Other ingredients? Please help me help you get what you are looking for.
Well, sir, my numbers point to a value of a tad over seven large scales. You're offering a tad below six, and that includes the new blank.
"I prefer the term, 'Freelance Wealth Redistribution Specialist'."
How about I throw in a Large Sufur and 2 Large Arrow would that make up the difference for you?
Not interested in a blank, anyway :/
"I prefer the term, 'Freelance Wealth Redistribution Specialist'."