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  1. #1
    Founder sumnz's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Mabar event bringing out the best in people!

    Man I never knew this game had so many friendly people until this event!

    There I am on my necromancer trying to rid the graveyard of undead ghoulies when I get a large group of them. This helpful fellow passing by was worried I wasent suffeciently buffed so proceded to cast deathward on me repeatedly. I told him not to worry though, because as a necromancer I was immune to death effects. Still its nice to know someone was watching out for me!

    THEN I came across a lich. It was a pretty fun fight but I was concerned because he was only half dead and I was at 90 precent mana. Fortunatley a group of people already fighting some mobs dropped what they were doing and with monsters in tow sprang to my rescue killing the lich before he could waste anymore of my spellpoints.

    THEN I was the only one guarding one of the levers in the spectral dragon raid, and was doing poorly. It seems I wasent stacking my firewalls because the gargoyles were only taking one tic of damage per wall. Another wizard ran up and made sure that there were at least 3x as many walls as I put up, and made sure to put them right on the spawns of the gargoyles, just in case there were too many for me to handle by myself.

    With this many kind and considerate people around, why is it my 10 sorc/10 pally cant ever seem to get invited to raids or shroud runs?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Yea, its great! Soo many kind people in mabar. There I was logging in on my lvl 11 cleric, and it was taking forever for some reason(event lag?).

    I decide to go afk and upon my return I receive several nasty tells from this group telling me to gtfo.
    Last edited by FastTaco; 07-31-2011 at 01:50 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    correct my noobness if its there, i simply dont like mabar and havent been there a lot, but dont you get your bones, nails and whatever fetishes you want to tear off those poor dead either way, with or without help of generous gentlemen?

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