I was thinking a TWF Paladin as a Drow to help make up the base Dex and Cha, but at the same time, it was ending up a little bit stretched for feats, and then it occurred to me that there's a bit of synergy with paladin and monk from the whole evasion, high saves, wisdom to AC thing, it would also add 2 extra feats (mostly like 2WF, and I2WF, or toughness).
I was thinking to start
28 Point (Because it's Drow)
12 STR (4 Points)
16 DEX (6 Points)
12 CON (6 Points)
12 INT (2 Points)
12 WIS (4 Points)
16 CHA (6 Points)
It would probably be better as a TR for a couple more build points (thus a couple more points of CON), but honestly I don't have the patience to TR another character after the first one. Could Probably drop 2 points from STR for some points in CHA because it would push closer to DMVI, and up Saves, Turn attempts (and thus DM), but I'm looking for a little input on when to take what levels, and what order feats would need to be in, and also as to weather the monk abilities (Evasion, Wisdom to AC, and such) can work with a Rapier, I know the stances and what now wont, but I'm unsure on the other stuff.