I've seen this suggested since I first read any threads about customization. Personally, I think they should sell an additional slot in the store if this is the way you want your customization, also do the skins they are currently working on, and develop dye for armor. Then regardless what the player likes, they can sell something to them.
Making it so you can craft armor by taking elements of different armors and combining them sounds good too, but would probably take a fair amount of developer time.
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I have also seen the two slot idea asked for, and after using LotRo's, it works great. When you're in the PvP setting it shows what you're actually wearing (so your enemy knows what it is).
They could do that here in DDO by making all PvP areas separate from other public instances. For example, instead of just walking through a doorway in the Lobster, you have to zone through the door. It's still public, just as soon as you zone your actual armor/outfit shows. They could make an entryway that was non-pvp, so you don't get ganked (is that the right word) as you load the instance.
Heck, I'd pay for the cosmetic armor slot. I might even pay to switch outfits when I found something I liked better. I would pay for dye. I will probably not buy what they've got now. I'll have to see.
Just wanted to add that if Turbine added a cosmetic slot I'd be willing to drop 2k points on it if it meant it was account unlockable.
And if they could still always add cosmetic only costumes that were available at the online store if they were looking for a continual return instead of a one-time purchase.
To bad we will never see it. Turbine does not give to S@*ts about what we want or how we would like it added to the game. They have proven this time and time again.
What the OP said x 100.
That's really all I was hopig for.
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Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
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its that way in lotro and it works a treat. and its the system i've being hoping for for ages ( i already have the items i want to show off, now i'll not be able to look like i wanted to )
not to mention... it would be so easy to code as your only adding 1 new tab to ui and using everything that is existing in game atm.
no extra art work required to make new "looks" as we already have what we want anyway.
as mentioned before, buy the extra apperance tab from store and sell extra art work looks in store as well for the extra $$.
Somedays your the Bug
Somedays your the Windscreen.
I like this one for a MBP
........................................... I <3 22/7
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The slot system is used in a ton of games now.
It's what ppl want.
And it's SIMPLE to do when you already have a large number of armors with unique skins that nobody will ever ever ever wear for the stats.