nm, people made good points and i see what they meen, i was just a little mad kuz grp i was in, srry to any i offended
sry again
nm, people made good points and i see what they meen, i was just a little mad kuz grp i was in, srry to any i offended
sry again
Last edited by FaSo; 11-23-2010 at 10:01 PM.
Alteccz- 20 WF wiz• Cryisa- 6 ranger 5 fighter 2 monk helf(helves angel)
Thank you Gary - 3/4/08
Really? Let them run their character how they want to. Don't like it, leave group and solo it.
Also, its melee not mele. Its you not u. Its because not kuz, hell even cus is better than kuz. Its your not ur. Finally, it CLERIC not cliercs.
1. What's a "pure healer"? If you mean pure cleric, there's no reason they can't be built with acceptable melee skills at the lower levels.
2. If your TR has trouble staying alive in low level quests without a dedicated healer, the cleric ain't the only problem in your party![]()
1: Unless the group tells me otherwise, I'm a freaking Cleric. That means -I- will use -my- SP, weapons, spells, and characters in the way I see fit in order to help the party succeed in the quest. If the group -does- tell me otherwise, I will find a new group...or solo.Originally Posted by Some dude with an early forum join date
2: Have you played a new character recently? Without passing down gear, plat, wands, misc? If you haven't, be aware that at low levels, it's frequently all a cleric can do to keep themselves adequately equipped, never mind burning plat on idiots who don't buy pots.
3: Healing is incredibly SP inefficient. For a quarter of the price of healing the bunch of idiot melee/wizards with me, I can buff myself up and kill everything, with spells or hand to hand combat. If the group dies, somehow, it means that they were too ******** to use the pots they should have had and/or backed out of the melee in order to recoup. Therefore, I will gather their stones into my nice, soft, cushioned backpack, and go on to finish the quest solo. It might take me a bit longer, but without a bunch of idiots around, it'll be much less aggravating.
Yeah, I love the "don't buy yourself anything cool, buy a wand so you can heal me".
Dude, buy a wand yourself and hand it to the cleric. Not hard.
sry to any i offended, was just not in a to happy mood today, had a rough day at work, then came back and joined a bad pug.
Sry again
Last edited by FaSo; 11-23-2010 at 10:09 PM.
Alteccz- 20 WF wiz• Cryisa- 6 ranger 5 fighter 2 monk helf(helves angel)
Thank you Gary - 3/4/08
Just a headsup incase you check this thread again OP...
SP is VERY tight at lower levels, both arcane and divine casters have to budget their SP closely and still probably burn through additional resources (divines more then arcanes because of expectations of us and our wands are generally more useful) in order to keep up with the average pug.
An example, I dont use heal spells on myself at low levels, I chug pots and wand whip, saving my SP for buffs and CC which are a much more efficient use.
Carry a few wands on you, when you join a group hand one or two to your healer. Carry healing potions for yourself and dont assume its anyone elses responsibility to spend money to keep you alive but your own. Also the winter festival is a good time to stock up on candy canes!
D.W.A.T - Thelanis
Dilim - 13 Archmage TR1 ~ Pugna - 10 Pale Master ~ Vorstellung - 20 Cleric
Kobold - The other white meat.
Im half and half with pale masters, half I have np with and they understand they need to click off forms when they can no longer keep themselves alive... the other half expect me to have harm loaded and used to top them off, its easy to tell those ones they cry bloody murder when they get caught up in my mass death ward.
D.W.A.T - Thelanis
Dilim - 13 Archmage TR1 ~ Pugna - 10 Pale Master ~ Vorstellung - 20 Cleric
Kobold - The other white meat.
First let me say to the original poster, apology accepted and this isn't directed towards you but it is however a perfect place for me to vent as I'm leveling up a battlecleric.
1. Palidens, rangers and bards can also use wands and every class can use pots, including heal pots. Warforge casters can heal themselves by allocating the reconstruct spell. They were designed that way for a reason.
2. The "I don't have money to buy wands or pots" goes both ways. There isn't some magical fund that clerics get when they're created.
3. If you're totally reliant on a cleric to heal you, you're in for a rough ride. Clerics are far too diverse in this game to be a one trick pony heal bot although they can and are designed that way, mine however are not.
4. When you create a group with 2 rangers a bard and a paliden that sits around for a half hour waiting for a cleric that's a sure sign that any cleric worth his salt isn't going to join your party.
I don't think many players are expecting clerics not to heal but most of us are also not going to spend to baby sitting you. Is it OK if we try to have some fun too?
Learn to be at least somewhat self-sufficient or no one will want to group with you.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearle Harbor?