I'm not the sort to make a thread that specifically requests a developer response, but I don't see another easy way to address this question effectively.
On DDO, we're usually left to figure out the specific interactions of mechanics ourselves. Generally, I find this pretty engaging. It isn't too difficult, it follows some fairly consistent rules or patterns, and we're usually pretty accurate with determining stuff after some testing and time spent.
From time to time we've deviated from normal interactions in some way. Most of these have been easily tested or have been developer verified (Example: Dodge bonuses interacting like exceptional bonuses do, stacking with each other but not identical effects). Some interactions are completely abnormal but very easy to test and document and consistent (for example: healing amplification's multiplicative interaction with itself).
As a player I generally enjoy this stuff and its one of the things I enjoy on DDO to figure out how this stuff works.
In the last patch, the threat bonuses on Defender stances were finally fixed. I understand this bug was pretty difficult to deal with (and probably moreso because the concept had to be retuned). Part of the delay in it's reporting, however, also came from us: It was extremely hard to test and verify that the stances weren't working properly, and it took me a couple months after they were released to verify that.
We've been given some information on threat mechanics (eg that these enhancements are now typed, stack with each other when typed differently and with treasure effects). However, we don't know how that stacking works, and, for a variety of reasons, it is extraordinarily difficult, in fact, practically impossible, for us to test this effectively and break it down. Here is a non-exhaustive list of reasons.
1: There's enough random variance in damage dealing to require many tests and very high hp mobs for people to test their threat interactions with each other.
2: RE: above, we're also hamstrung but not knowing some basic mechanics of DDO threat (does it decay over time, for example)
3: We don't know what kind of stacking to expect from treasure effects, which is what we need to test most: Is it additive or multiplicative? Does it use only the highest source (typical), or does each non-identical benefit stack (if I have treasure effects for +15% threat and add a +20% threat effect, do I gain 5% threat (nonstacking), 20% threat(additive stacking), or 23% threat? (multiplicative stacking))
4: Items with threat bonuses are pretty rare and in many cases are exceptionally hard to acquire (epic sets, tower of despair sets, dragontouched sovereign rune 3 piece set effects, etc). This makes finding 2 characters who have the same treasure effects to test with each other difficult, much less ensuring those characters deal close to the same damage before the threat effects!
For this reason, I feel that the underlying mechanics and interaction of threat are outside what we, as players, will be able to realistically deduce like we have with other mechanics. This limits our ability to give feedback on their effectivenes and to report bugs in their behavior or interactions with each other, as we don't know how they're supposed to work.
For this reason, I think it would really benefit the community to get some specific answers regarding threat mechanics and interactions, like we recieved regarding dodge bonuses. With this information we can give constructive feedback and report bugs regarding our character's behaviors and performance. This information would also allow us to give better feedback on monster AI, as there are some monsters who behave in very wonky fashions regarding aggro, especially teleporters (a mob who teleports to his aggro target but cannot see it will drop aggro and pick another target seemingly at random, for example if he teleports and lands facing away from the person he teleported to attack, he'll run after the first person he sees: if he's facing the original person, they'll retain all the aggro they had: this seems buggy, but it's next to impossible to test with our knowledge of threat and aggro).
I'll end this post with a list of questions I think would enable us to do this.
1: How do treasure threat effects interact? Is it highest-source only (wearing 20% and 10% threat bonuses means 10% does nothing) or all unique effects (wearing 20% and 10% causes both to work, wearing two 20% bonuses gives you only one benefit)?
2: How do threat effects interact with each other? Are they multiplicative with each other or additive to each other? (additive seems like it would cause issues with threat -reductions-, since you might be able to stack them to 0% threat, and leads most people to assume they are multiplicative). Are they a combination of the two even? (spell damage being [total metamagic bonuses] * [total enhancement/buff/equipment bonuses] * [base damage], there is precedent for that kind of interaction on DDO).
3: Is threat permanent, based on damage dealt in the last 20-30 seconds, or does it decay in some fashion? Does aggro transfer when one person passes another at all, or when a certain threshold is passed (for example, WoW threat requires someone to reach 130% of the threat of the person who's currently got aggro before aggro will switch). the way mobs can bounce between aggro targets on DDO leads me to believe that there is no buffer zone, but you can't be sure.
Thanks in advance