can't say that i particularly care, personally. i wouldn't want to wear that robe either way... too much effort, too little payout. sure, regalia of the phoenix/DT may not be that great, but they're not that bad either.
DT, for example, you could add your choice of several useful buffs (con skills +3 for concentration, deathblock, healing amp, greater false life, etc), a stat buff (for something you don't have a spot for elsewhere) or other minor add-on, and of course with sovereign greater spell penetration VIII isn't half bad either, or +20 hit points (if you don't have or don't intend to craft that into a shroud accessory).
it's not so much a matter of these things being impossible to get elsewhere, for the most part... it's that with the dragontouched robe, you can combine them all into one slot instead of taking up 2-3 slots.
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Why must there be so much hate!? Why can't we all just get along!?
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Wiz and Sorc
Otherwise I think I'll just have to make sure to remember to cast mass death ward after you Wizzies activate your Pale Master
Sorc get double spell point bonus from a lot of items. Having the boon for 1 wiz pre doesn't sound so bad to me in comparison. Posted by Turbine
stop getting hit![]()
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
Please don't remove it. Those 6-9 hps healed i get on my PM each time i'm hit by a mob makes me a happy bunny. The whole robe is designed with PM's in mind which is nice as they are they are subpar to the archmage.
As for sorcs, well you get far more SP's, quicker casting and do more damage. Which was no doubt why you chose the class. Sorcs always were far over powered compaired to wizard, now with the PRE's the wizard is at least a good second option. No doubt when sorc PRE's come out sorc will go back to being far far better than the wizard. Be patient you'll be back to top dog and flavour of the month again. Then all the wizards can complain about being less than equal again. ;-)
Oh of note, if you aren't able to farm a pair of the goggles from TR I think IRc that the teir 3 cloak has deathblock on it as you are capable of farming the ingredients to make an epic robe the teir 3 cloak shouldn't be too difficult.
Subpar? I've run with some PMs and they can do some wicked stuff. A lot of times outlasting Sorcs in the damage department as well as self healing capabilities.
I keep hearing about this whole thing of Sorcs previously being OPed compared to Wizzies, but I'm just not seeing it. Wizzies are DC CC base. Sorcs are damage base. So in this regard its obvious that Wizzies should have more DC, more spells available, and don't need that much SP. Sorcs should have high SP, faster casting, and more damage because that all benefits a firepower based class. They were defined from the get go, so I have a hard time buying that the PrEs "balanced" the classes.
Oh and the Sorc PrE better be frickin worth it, if and WHEN it comes.
DC based, wizards are on top.
Direct-damage output, Sorcs. They do need some PRE love though.
Please to not be taking away my lovely epic docent of shadow. That and CO and Torc and Demon Consort bracers = much fun.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
Thats the thing though, I'm being out lasted in damage capability by Pale Masters, so while I may be able to put out more damage faster, I don't have lasting power, which doesn't make sense to me.
I'm not asking them to take the stupid thing away, I'm just asking them to remove the boon effect, give us Sorcs a little love too please.
Heck, here's an idea to make everyone happy, instead of removing the boon, make it a permanent lasting clickie, like the Phiarlan Pendant, remove the nightshield clickie it doesn't really do anything useful. That would even benefit non-PaleMaster Wizard builds as well. Everybody is happy.
Last edited by Saravis; 11-23-2010 at 02:52 PM.
Also, do you even have the robe. Granted I rarely run outside of lich, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't even hurt you when you're fleshy.
edit: okay, it does hurt you. Seems to hit for 1 almost every time.
Last edited by Oran_Lathor; 11-23-2010 at 02:53 PM.
Make the GS item in a different slot. Yes you have to shell out larges and shards for it but why should the dev's change it for you when there are plenty of people that like the robe the way they are.
There is no reason for them to change the robes. I like them the way they are.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Please ignore my original suggestion and read my updated suggestion in post #33.
When the level cap was 12, 14, and 16, Sorcerers were significantly better than Wizards because at those times the Damage ability of a Sorcerer is what made quests easier/faster. Wizards could not keep up with Sorcerers due to the Sorcerer's faster casting animation, faster cooldowns, and larger spell point pool.
With the advent of Epic quests, CC has become the most desired trait in the game for an Arcane caster. Thus, with the DC boosts from both Pale Master and Archmage, not to mention the Wizard capstone and the Wizard Past Life feats, Wizards have (recently at L20) become considered to be more appreciated than Sorcerers for their CC capability. Sorcerers have just recently (i.e. when Pale Masters were implemented) become considered subpar. (Even though sorcerers are not subpar, they are just more difficult to make end-game viable than a wizard now)
Sorcerers get double spell points for spell point items. The two items in the game with Boon of Undeath is a fair trade in comparison in my opinion.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
So you want our robe to be not as effective because you want to use it on your sorcerer who you already said has no use for itp? ...kill yourself...
Originally Posted by Handee
Ok, the whole lvl 12,14,16 thing makes sense, but yeah thats definitely not applicable anymore with lvl 20, Caps, PrEs, and Past Lifes
I disagree, its not comparable;
1) Sorcs (so I hear) are supposed to have an SP advantage, but our base advantage sucks, the Devs had the decency to alleviate that issue with double SP items
2) Despite not benefiting as much from SP boosting items, you still benefit and you DON'T have penalties when wearing.
3) With PM and AM PrEs lack of SP isn't really penalizing, I've talked to wizards that say that they feel they can abandon a lot of their SP boosts because they just don't need them anymore.
So wait, you're telling me that you can't afford a lvl 1 spell, really? Heck as a sorc I have Merfolks for the heck of it.
Also, you do realize that it doesn't stack with GH right? I mean why the heck are you using an NS clicky as opposed to GH, that makes no sense?