So, I'm fond of scimitars, and that they have nice lovely crit profiles is simply one more reason for them to be endearing. However, I don't much like elves, and the undying court capstone is just god awful.
So, for a pure 20 Sovereign Host FvS longswords vs scimitars, please check my math here. Basic assumptions:
Lightning II Holy/Shock/Shock for both weapons.
Imp Crit: Slashing
20 str (so yea, not the melee monster to stomp all creation. Live with it.)
+2 class enhancement Longsword damage + Sov Host auto-feats
Proficiency is a non-issue for to hit.
Assume hit on a 2, crits confirmed on a 1.
Normalized spread of 20 attacks.
GS Scimitar: 1d8+5 15-20x2
GS Longsword: 1d10+5 17-20x2
Bloodstone: +6 crit dam
Str: +5 dam
Holy is identical on both weapons.
Shock is identical on both weapons.
Vorpal shock is identical on both weapons.
Lightning Strike is identical on both weapons.
Hit Scim : 4.5 scim, +5 bonus, +5 str=14.5
Crit Scim: 9 scim, +10 bonus, +10 str, +12 Bloodstone, +11 Shock=52
Hit LS : 5.5 LS, +5 bonus, +5 str, +4 FvS=19.5
Crit LS : 11 LS, +10 bonus, +10 str, +8 FvS, +12 Bloodstone, +11 Shock=62
Scim, 13 hits=188.5, 6 crits=312 = 500.5
LS, 15 hits=292.5, 4 crits=248 = 540.5
Did I miss anything?