Thats all.
It's super cool when the guy at the switch dies and everyone is doomed, but then I run up there and save the day and get a scale to make an Epic! cloak of night. But then again without me everything is full of fail.
Yeah its great to have an event where noobs can come and mess up your spawns by hanging out next to your high level group and refusing to go away.
Yeah, and trying to do it only about 8 or so turned out to be a huge recipe for fail. We spent 5 minutes AFTER the dungeon closed its doors just trying to convince someone to go up to the last altar and activate it so we could start trying to kill the dragon. We failed so bad it was hideous.
The event actually generated a LOL moment for me yesterday.
We had and LFM up (me, my wife and a friend) on our lowbies and had a decent group of about 8-9 plus the "battle cleric" for about half an hour we listened to him explain how awesome his build was while watching him die repeatedly, never cast a single heal spell of any kind on himself or anyone else and attack most monsters ineffectively. About the 20th or so time he dies he says "this game stinks I'm going back to WoW" and all i could say was "yeah good luck with that"
WELFARE Epics and super fun happy lag=ftw!
Shadowhaze-Righteouss-Technological Warfare-Lightes.Fear is the enemy of logic-Frank Sinatra
I dont care how good the gear is the whole thing is boring as all get out and if that gear is required then its time to quit
Beware the Sleepeater
I would of had a lot more fun with it if the instances had been level restricted like the Dragon fight is.
Occasionally playing on Cannith
Llyren, Kelda and some others.
True dat.
Had a level 11 monk follow me and my wife from instance to instance for up to 3 hours last night while we were farming (man, how I hate that word now) for motes of night for our cloaks on our level 20 sorcerers. I sent them a polite /tell to please stop, but you all know how that almost always works out. The person just went right into the middle of our farming area and /sit.
I really wonder why Turbine didn't make it level restricted per instance. It really would have made this event much more enjoyable.
All of us get lost in the darkness.
Dreamers learn to steer by the stars.
Also some sort of bonus for being grouped would of been nice . For a game that tries to big up co-op you sure lose a lot of motes/items if you are grouped .
ya, i tried this 3 times, all 3 times the GM said there was nothing they could do because it was not harassment. According to 1 GM, it was just that player finding an opportunity to farm.
I am not too sure what the bonus to being grouped comment means. The bonus of being grouped is getting bigger spawns. Bigger spawns = more chances at motes. At one point we had almost 3 full parties in one instance, central. The spawn sizes were insane! As long as you have 1 AOE player in your group, it was fine. They register the damage on the spawn that gives all in party a chance at motes.
That is a stark contrast to soloing, where there is spawns on like 3-4.
I think the event is very boring cos u jus have to be there and kill stuf hoping something usefull drops .... infact, I suffered throo it becous i wanted two itmes (is soon i was done, i was out for good)... and the fact that u cant actually choose the people that do the spectral dragon with u ... well, its like dooing a pug and hoping for something decent.