First pure pug in quite a long time.
Wow. I had no idea it was that bad. What's going on?
From what I've seen, that is the most hit or miss quest in the game. It's a raid, so it's hard, but it's f2p and relatively low level so you get people there with no idea what's going on. Lots of things work great for the early levels and then stop working out so well at about that time.
Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC
I was in a great one yesterday. It was extremely well lead and explained. They even cleared the explorer area for kills afterwards. And, I got a +1 Str tome as my end reward.
Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.
Are you kidding? Pug TS is a blast! So much so, that I plan on parking a toon at level 10 just to pug it when I get bored.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~
Oh I did. I seemed to spend a lot of time sitting at locked doors waiting for the rest of the group...
I have no problem with un-geared or unconventionally built characters in lowbie quests - new players are likely to have such and it really isn't a big deal. But some of the play?!?!!!!
player1: 'I'll get the runes!'
*Ding* player1 has died.
player1: OMG, I'm lost! Someone get me out of the lava!
player2: I'm coming! Where'd you die?
player1: By the rez shrine!
player2: I don't see you!
*Ding* player2 has died
player3: I'm coming! Where'd you die?
I mean, it even had a monk 8/ranger 2/wiz 1 arcane archer who was pew-pew kiting everything. Spin me right round baby! Really, really spectacular.
This isn't a rage or anything, it was actually extremely entertaining. I'm just wondering where this is coming from and what we can do about it... is perhaps our hatred and avoidance of pugging coming back to haunt us?
TS is a blast because it's completely unpredictable. As has already been mentioned many players don't yet have a good feel for the game by the time they get there and it's their first exposure to raiding.
I still remember how awe-stricken I was by that big-ass giant at the end the first time I ever went in there. Or the MASSIVELY high value loot (lol).
Kingpin, most elite runs go fine afaik - the new players have some idea by then and there are enough experienced players to get the job done in most cases. It's the first low lvl p2p raid, so you really have no reason to complain.
Last edited by mephistos2; 11-22-2010 at 06:42 PM.
Man, that reminds me of my first time in there. We were led by a wizard with a considerable amount of x's before and after his name, and who spent all his SP before we'd even reached the mountain. He had no clue what to do, and got the entire party almost killed, before, thank god, he disconnected. Then me and two guildmates ended up taking over the party, and leading the quest. We actually managed a completion, despite having not the slightest clue what we were doing. It was pretty fun.
And lately it seems that whenever a guild group grabs a few people to fill it up for F2P quests they tend to be really really bad, and die a lot. Our guild is full of mostly F2P people, but we're decent enough, I don't get why some people just can't play properly, or even if you try to give them help nicely they take it as an insult. :/
Whenever I pug TS, I expect it to take over 40 mins, and for it to be just a fun run with bad exp per min. Even for a tr, I just do TS for the fun of it, if they made more 12-man quests as expansive, and more rogue useful, then DDO would be alot more fun in IMO. My fav quest in the game.
Don't let common sense stop you...
Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09
A very large number of people who have no idea what they're doing, and a (slightly?) smaller number of people who do know and are willing to tell the rest of us.![]()
I really miss TS PuGs.
Some of the most fun runs Ive had are TS runs that have gone bad - people falling off the mountain before theyve even reached the boss or exiting on the wrong side of fire and getting pummelled (been there lol). Its just great fun
I think I will do as someone above has suggested and park a toon at L10 just for TS runs.
TS PuGs - good times
The Spellswords - formerly Ghallanda now Orien
Tempest Spine...ahhh the stories one could tell about THAT raid.
And yet, They introduce Chronoscope..... I'm sure there are some equally "entertaining" stories to be heard from that raid.
However I can say ..I have run TS a few times in the recent days or so... and it has been more rewarding running w/ a fresh stockpile of newer, denser, and less-likely-to-follow-direction type of people in such a "confined" space.
So tell us your stories, tales and woe-to-me ballads of the old fave... Tempest Spine.![]()
"I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied...
Learn to swim..."
"This body holding me reminds me of my own mortalityEmbrace this moment, remember, we are eternalAll this pain is an illusion"
Ah, I remember like it was yesterday
My first TS run. I was on my lvl 12 bard and got a tell from someone asking if I'd join.
I'm glad I did.
The leader was competent and we managed to complete with only a few deaths, despite over half the group never having done the group before.
The second run through, we were all joking and rushing forward.
These type of runs are the best runs imo.
You think that's bad? I saw a barb 6 / Wiz 2 once. If it was wiz 1 you could say, o he did it once as an accident cause he went to the wrong trainer, but no it was wiz 2 that means he did it twice, no accident there just bad judgment.
That aside, this was both my first raid and the first raid I ever led. The firs time I ran it was with my guild, and like all good guilds they let me pull the switch and then laughed as I got roasted like a glazed ham followed by a, "grats now your an official member of the guild". When I led it for the first time it was like 7 guildy / 5 pug, it went surprisingly smooth. Sometimes you just get lucky.
Last edited by Perspicacity; 11-23-2010 at 03:04 AM.
Eternium (Art 18), Tatooine (Bard 19), Technodrome (Wiz 18 / Rog 2), Thanigar (Brb 14)