some people (especially groups of TR's) take their 10% no-death bonus very seriously. im pretty sure ive been blacklisted before for dying in a quest. sometimes things like that happen. i try not to take DDO that seriously.
some people (especially groups of TR's) take their 10% no-death bonus very seriously. im pretty sure ive been blacklisted before for dying in a quest. sometimes things like that happen. i try not to take DDO that seriously.
No offense meant, but the uptight one isn't the guy who didn't want a joker in his group, nor the joker who was having a bit of fun, but the people who freak out and armchair psychoanalyze each other over an incident that doesn't amount to anything.
OP: just a guy having fun. He had his fun, then learned what he needed to know about the group leader... specifically that the leader is serious about his gaming.
the leader is apparently serious about his (or her) gaming. Big deal. Everyone plays how they want to play, the fact that he put his pet peeve in the LFM was a very good thing as it has the potential to weed out people who won't like grouping with him and vice-versa.
Everyone has a different play style. Every other pug I'm in has some zerging XP nazi complaining that I'm holding them back (usually a sorc who keeps casting burning hands at single kobolds), the other ones have some flower-sniffer complaining I'm going to fast. (especially funny if I'm taking the time to show some new people all the sights and optionals)
Oh, to the "hat trick" guys: would you really spend 15 minutes or more of your time specifically to be mean to some guy just for attempting to clarify his play-style in the LFM? Even given the collateral damage to random puggies? Let me guess, the answer is no, you aren't really that cruel, you just play one on the internet.
It's the internet, people. expect drama.
Seriously? I can't believe the OP got booted for that.. The whole point of this game is to have fun.. I'd rather be in a group that chats and has a good time than any other.
Alts: Arieanne Wightsbane. Mercifulll Fate, Ariesta Tre'Dain, Conqueste Sojurne, Mysadventure Calamitas, Flawlless Victorie, Ransaque Bonus, Ingenius Debilitation, Persistence, Theholyhand Grenade, Dyerseve, and many others...
Would I have booted for it immediately?
No, I would've checked the log, because a person joining and dieing a sec later seems kinda obvious theyre death teleing. If he said something, Id check log to see if he died, then boot. I dont need a player who jumps into a quest, and /deaths to kill my xp. Not saying the OP did this, just a scenario
PuG leader: Jumped to conclusions
OP : Needs to understand different personality s play the game
From what actually happened, would I personally have kicked? No. But can I understand why he was? Yes.
Oh, I find how everyones repping the OP for annoying a random person very distasteful. We don't have the whole story yet, just what happened from the eyes of the OP.
This post isn't meant to offend anyone, just stating my opinion here.
EDIT: The point of the game is to have fun. The OPs fun interfered with the PuG leaders fun. PuG leader had authority at the time so OP got kicked. Again, we don't have the PuG leaders side of the story.
I don't think anyone was actually looking to do that. I also stated that there was never a thought of that on my part too. I think it's just a funny thing to say, because of how uptight some people are...just imagine their rage. You don't actually have to do it for it to be funny.
Yeah, you know, being an internet gaming bully sure sounds like fun...<sarcasm>
Having fun with buddies who know it is all in fun, and are having fun too, Yay!
Having fun poking at strangers, who are not taking it as great fun, and don't appreciate your style of
Grease is a party buff. Green does means go. However, why the heck should I join a slow exploration group to zerg? Why should I join a zerg group to slowly explore.
There are not enough folks out there willing to start up pug groups as it is. Don't be one of those people that give folks reasons to only group with Guildies, everyone loses out then.
Occasionally playing on Cannith
Llyren, Kelda and some others.
Ignorant really. I poke fun at strangers, and they poke fun back at me every time I log on. If you're not involved in this thing a normal human being calls 'fun', then you're not playing a game. You're living what you consider to be a second life's calling. Which is even more ignorant. It's a game, people have fun playing games...that's what they're for.
And comedy is normally filled with childish shinanigans...just watch a comedy movie, and let me know how many things you laugh at, that you wouldn't do irl. If you watch comedy's and don't laugh...nuff said.
you picked on someone, he reacted on your provocative act. put yourself in his position, basically what you did was mocking his lfm and preferred playing criteria.
making that joke was fine, booting for it was fine as well, i can perfectly well understand both sides. this is not the matter that should result in a discussion. we all have ego's, we all get offended by some things. its not possible to draw straight line there, for him it was enough of a reason to boot you,
you would have done same in some other situation regarding matters important for you.
Last edited by hecate355; 11-23-2010 at 09:43 AM.
Always find it funny when people enter a discussion, and then say how irrelevant it is.
The people who actually think this, are the mass majority who don't actually post in the discussion.
I guess we're all lucky you're not the one who dictates relevance...or else we'd have nothing but hypocrisy to talk about.
I always find it funny how these threads digress from the original purpose.
Yes, I know. This post is not about the OP. :P
Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.
that wasnt exactly what i was trying to say, let me rephrase, you can discuss it til last days eve. in other words its subjective, where exactly does one draw line is up to him/her.
i didnt come here to make fun of either side, just pointed out possible viewpoint from other side of fence.
I refrain from putting "don't die" in my LFM's because anyone can have a special moment, and find themselves hypnotised by the spinning icon.
I use "don't release" because that loss of XP is something someone does on purpose.
Maybe the leader didn't realize that you weren't in the quest, and when your HP started to slowly come back he figured you had released, and was trying to prevent the loss of the other 10% bonus?
To be fair, some things that Hollywood calls "Comedy" just ain't funny.
Lethal Weapon 3... really?
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
lol to the 'dont die' party leaders. as someone leveling a double TR that is currently 18 and dual boxing a sorc i always account for the -10% that will come when someone dies, infact i go so far as to simply kill one of my characters so i can drag them to the end to make it faster since i know someone is gonna die anyways. 4.3 mil xp is a lot and that 10% adds up, but seriously, it's only 10%!!! at the end of the day, if you die every quest or dont, it only amounts to doing a few more quests to finish it up, especially when you dont go to the next level until you have grinded a certain quest x number of times, it evens out in the end...
now, if you could hold levels until 20 (not just 2 levels) then it would make a big difference, as you could ransack all the low lvl high xp quests 15 times and be lvl 8 yet held to lvl 17 and then it would start to count...
it's sad that i think i could easier find 4.3 mil xp lvls 1-12 than 12-20...
i think what you miss is your "joking" is played out and boring. Dropping grease for a lol wipe in traps with friends is funny, quest sharing/pretending to die while death porting is justtedious and overdone. Repetetion kills even funny jokes let alone the crappy one cited here. it is only a game but spending 15 min possibly exposed to a guy telling lame jokes is still 15 min that i want back.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
My heavens I can't believe how many uptight people are agreeing with the party leader in the OP. This is why I don't pug.
-=Quantum Entropy - Sarlona Server=-
Thelmallen [monk paladin] - Bladetuner [warchanter] - Stratonike [exploiter] - Bladeturner [cleric] - Sulien [wizard] - Bladeoffreya [FvS monk]
Lol I can imagine him just coming from a group where people run around like crazy in the quest getting the dungeon alert up to red and then *ding*. In frustration you go out and smoke a cig, just to find they re-entered, in trying to be nice you try and get them through the quest then wipe on the boss fight. Hehe, ive guess been in these groups before with my second TR. Yea he was being stupid booting you like that but those pugs can sure give you a short fuse. What you did was obviously a joke though, some people feel like they are exercising some kind of non-existent "power" over you by doing things like that. People having delusions of grandeur problems on a MMO, who would of ever thought?. What I like to do is just be a decent player then when they do something out out line, just bring it up in the next non-pug raid group, the embarrassment will be good enough. =)
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~