My main is an elf kensai arcane archer. I solo alot. because of soloing my natual inclanation is to kite ALOT (as in everything) so first i would like to apologize to everyone who i have annoyed while doing this in a party.
With all my feats geared toward ranged combat, what can i do instead of kiteing?
Standing still doesn't seem to work too well because (it seems) healers decide i'm not a main tank and will not heal me until battle is over. I unfortunately do not have UMD so i can't cast heal scrolls, but i do always carry pots.
What can i do without lowering my dps to draw less aggro? It seems only intimidate can hold aggro against me while i have multishot active. Also i tend to shoot things before melee gets to them... not sure this is bad tho cause it gets parties to move on rather than stand around waiting for someone else to do something.
When i join a party more often than not it is a pug so i want to be the best i can with out being a detriment to the group, please offer any advice