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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Trying to plan out my monk

    So, I'm preparing to bunker down with a monk character for the down-time in between Thanksgiving activities and was wanting to start my favorite class from scratch with a great deal of the lifespan planned out.

    Right now I'll tell you that most of my short-comings with the planning phase is due to not being familiar with DDO's mechanics on the DnD world.

    As of right now this is what I have...suggestions appreciated
    1. I'm split between a Drow or a Human.
    2. Dex heavy
    3. Definitely using Weapon Finesse
    4. Not sure if there is a feasible dual wield build or if will just go unarmed
    5. Definitely like the storm stance(think that is the name)

    And just to help with suggestions...My character will be themed as much as possible

    A child of a storm god, very agile, and when possible have most/all damage types around storm related things...elec/sonic

    That's all I can think of right now. Will add more as input is added or as I come up with stuff


  2. #2
    Hero HGM-Chi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Is halfling out of the question? I think if you want to go finesse and have 32 point builds, halfing would be the way to go. Check out something like the Rockan Robin build.

  3. #3
    Community Member DarkFlash's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    If you go light human, focus on healing amps.
    If you go dark... Maybe focus on DPS (halfling/etc.)

    28pt dex based light human works fine if you are smart enough to get the "best" gears you can find. (Healing amps, stunning+10 1-2xburst handwraps, etc.)
    My TRd str/amp based monk is drooling at the coming vampiric handwraps^^

    IMHO drow isnt a very useful race for a monk (SR doesnt stack/etc). But Im not saying that it totally sucks :P
    Last edited by DarkFlash; 11-23-2010 at 03:25 AM.
    Human shintao with 307% healing amp \,,/_(>.<)_\,,/

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