Looking to buy Large Scales, hopefully for around 250k-300k.
PM me.
Looking to buy Large Scales, hopefully for around 250k-300k.
PM me.
Last edited by DiNo2012; 11-20-2010 at 02:30 PM.
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
Status Updated. I bought enough scales now for my Lit II. However, I'm still interested in buying some for future GS Weapons.
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
Bump - Still could use more Scales.
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
WTB more
PM me.
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
Last edited by NaturalHazard; 11-23-2010 at 02:02 AM.
? ok
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
I said oh if your getting people selling them for that price I would like to buy them at the same price 2!! Then i thought the better of it and edited what i said unfortunately you cant leave a black space. Thought it would be lazy and rude to hijack your thread like that, like using your advertising window to do my own advertising lolz.
Last edited by NaturalHazard; 11-28-2010 at 05:27 AM.
roflz... tis all cool
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
Bump - Would like to buy 3 more. - 800k plat
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
Bump, 2 more scales plz
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
Just a heads up, I have a lot of GS items. I had 4 characters, deleted 2 since they were gimped. A (19) Ranger and (18)FvS, which the had a Lit II bow, fully done. I have a Sorc now and a Barbarian, both 20's. My Sorc has a Triple Positive Cloak with a Tier 2 Helm, Necklace, and Scepter.
And my Barb, which is only 3 weeks old, now has a Min II, Lit II, and Incineration Greataxe as well as an Earthgrab Guard with +45 HP Gloves.
Thats a total of 20 Lg Scales, 25 if you include the Lit II bow on my deleted Ranger(Rest his soul) lol.
I only have 11 completions on my Sorc and 4 on my Barb right now.
Its not about completions, its about trading, and getting what you need at the appropriate times.
Last edited by DiNo2012; 11-29-2010 at 04:56 PM.
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard
Not to be contrary, but you could also be ddoor farming.
You can ddoor out and gather shards, smalls, mediums and the occasional large ingredient. You might have run Shroud 60-70 times for all we know. Not just the 15 completion times.
You can also get into a good guild and get help from friends. We've done guild shroud runs where every large was passed to one guildie who was getting started.
In any case, there are lots of ways to get large scales besides running shroud once every 3 days.
Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber
You missed the odd message tho. he has a sorc with 2 GS items and only 11 completions. Either 1 is sitting in the bank or it's a TR and all rules are off. Anywho, hope ya get your scales, and I'm glad you are crafting alot. It's nice when you play with people that have what they need when it comes time to be used.
Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk
I always complete. The only times I do not complete is when Im trying to get stacked up in shards. I spend a day or so farming for shards and save 2-3 in my bank. By the time I need to craft my 3-4 item, I would have had more Shroud runs and more shards in my bank to use.
Pharotek - Level 20 WF Favored Soul
Schnappi - Level 20 WF Barbarian
Witwicky - Level 20 WF Wizard