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  1. #1
    Community Member Material's Avatar
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    Jun 2009

    Default Reroll my elf wizard!

    So, I have had my characters transferred from the euro servers and looked back over my very first toon ever, a 28 point elven wizard. I know, we can all laugh at the foolishness now!

    Not wanting to just delete this character, and not wishing to subject ANY part to his low con spellcasting squishyness I have decided to greater reincarnate him. So, I find myself with a level 16(stopped before cap was raised to 20) elven wizard. I've seen a few pale master arcane archers, and that seems like it could be fun but I am really not sure.

    This is where you all come in. Help me reroll a fun and potentially useful character! What would you roll? Quick build ideas and in depth character builds all welcome. Go nuts people!

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default and useful are two totally different things in this game.

    Useful....a level 20 pure wizzy maxxed INT that can CC, and nuke (somewhat)

    Fun...a 12 wizzy/6 monk/2 fighter palemaster ninja spy with great miss chances, unlimited mana and health that probably would never be invited to a shroud run because it "doesn't fit"

    Elven AA? Problem with them is....your a wizzy. For the exception of a manyshot, every spell you can cast will do more damage probably than your arrows. I can see it now in a group.."Why is the wizard using a bow and shooting arrows when he can do double the damage with a _____ spell?"

  3. #3
    Community Member Material's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    Yes, the archer part was just because....why else have an elven wizard? The lower con for giggles?

    I can't go 12 wizard as I didn't get a +1 or +3 heart, just a regular. So 16 levels of wizard HAVE to be in there. Max int on a wiz is a no brainer(or...max brainer...) and I fully intend to go for it unless someone else can tickle my toonbuds.

    As it stands, I am likely to go max con/int standard wiz build till I hit 20 and farm for a tr, but the time involved already makes me a sad panda.

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