I upgraded to a new widescreen today (no new drivers needed) and now my 'idiots' hotbar is nowhere to be found.
I've tryed moving all my hotbars and screen 'bits' around and nada, 'idiot' cant be contacted by any means, not that he usually listens much anyway.
No system updates since yesterday, and it was working find last night.
Contacted GM, said to put in tech advice, done. However that could take days and I rely on my 'idiot' a lot when running solo on slayers.
Anyone got any ideas on this. I did see it mentioned in market last night briefly so it seems I may not be the only one having this issue.
This is going to really restrict my current gameplay since I'll be relying on pug groups to even try get any xp atm.
The second I submitted this thread my 'idiots' hotbar appeared after a 'minimize to desktop bug I've been having' Really odd
Either the tickets been sorted out already, or one of you guys in here 'thought' about the fix and it worked pro-activly haha.