I would like to use it as a tool to measure different builds weapons feats and allocations to optimize my character. not saying its impossible to do now, but a meter of some sort would help.
I would like to use it as a tool to measure different builds weapons feats and allocations to optimize my character. not saying its impossible to do now, but a meter of some sort would help.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
It was, and I'm far from a math nerd (I'm horrible at teh maths).
I should point out that screenshot is all jacked up - the combos being showed for a Barbarian are actually for a Conqueror, and the combos listed are for a 2H spec which is much less damage. I just pulled the screenshot off of Curse.com.
Here's the direct picture:
Justice / Karisu / Melodi / Morgiana / Zoie / Dixee / Savanna / Silviah / Oliviah / Coreline / Serachi / Raevinn-= Pestilence =-Thelanis
Look I don't know what kind of drugs you are on and why you can't grasp the concept relating to DPS.
If I do things during a fight, like drinking a pot, other than swinging my weapon,
it takes away from my DPS, your DPS, any ones DPS.
It doesn't matter if you want to compare in seconds or based upon rolls form 1 to 20.
At least one roll would have no damage for performing that other action
(like drinking a pot) as it relates to DPS.
Now I introduced a new topic for you, "rolls from 1 to 20", you probably won't get that either
and want to argue for the next 15 posts about it.
These are not my theories, there are numerous posts on the subject matter.
I didn't skip out on anything, I was just tried of trying to enlighten you.
It seems like it's a hopeless cause.
I'm just here to tell you, you're absolutely wrong. See I don't need to go ranting on about numerous forum threads I've read....I've actually used the programs myself. I'm here to tell you, if a caster oom's, his dps doesn't lessen because a fight is still taking place...if a fighter afk's...his dps doesn't go down because a fight keeps going on...
DDO is not a dps based game...so your enlightenment is worthless, unless you have experience in a dps based game...sorry, not my fault. You obviously haven't played WoW enough to know about it...so tell me what you're experience is, not what you read on ddo forums.
Which is why I'd never vouch for a dps meter on ddo...just a damage count. Which is what this thread is about...
If a weapon sit's on WoW's AH...it's dps does not decline...lmao.
/signed, but only if the total damage inflicted is a private number being shown to you alone.
We don't need more discrimination in this game.
I'd love to see what my DPS is on certain fights, to see what weapon setup does the most damage for me, if taking a second to drink a rage pot is worth the dps gain, etc.
To see if a build i didn't follow exactly has a big enough gain to make it worth me modifying mine.
i'd be happy if ddo created a local log file because then it could be parsed. and since ddo doesn't give you the option of seeing everyone's damage number then it would still just keep the information personal.
i used to do a lot of parsing of raids in EQ and it was nice to be able to see how a weapon/gear setup compared to a different one, also timing of special attacks and such.
A metric to spot who needs a better build may worsen the elitism out there.
It might be better to just show the max and avg numbers as well as your own so you can compare your own toon only.
On damage and kills, but also on healing and sp spent, like in buffs, not sure how that'd work for bards.
As of now a better way to find the good players is to run with them several times.
I would love a tool in DDO that let me at least track my own dps or total damage I wouldn't care if other people saw it either, that said I can see scads of barbs being born though after I keep mobs stunned on my monk and barbs dps skyrockets lol.
This is the worst idea I've ever read on these forums. It would hurt the game more than the nerfs that the PvP crowd asks for.
Does it really matter? I rarely even look at my kill count the only thing that matters is the competion of the quest not who killed the most or who out damaged whom. I would be perfectly happy if they dropped kill count in the first place. I don't feel the need to prove anything just to get the completion for the xps and the loot.
I wouldnt mind this, or the ability to parse the combat log in order to get this information yourself.
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
hmm, i'm a bit in both camps.
it would be usefull to see my own dps.
don't care about damage that others do.
i sometimes wonder if i should run with Power Attack on or off, as on misses a few more times.
would i kill a mob faster without it?
with that kind of (my char only) meter i could just attack a few mobs with it and without it and see whats better.
but it could be i'm just clueless and some of you know a better way to find that out.