Updating for personal reference since I got lost in the entire want to TR everything and to bring some gear/spell insight to this [07-14-11]
Updating again to keep up with times / also changed some grammatical things [06-12-12]
Human FvS 20
Info: (Major Grinding build alert)
This is a build that is not a newb friendly build or a build that the casual player could/should take on
this is for those that want the best setup endgame and can solo raids ToD, or do difficult quest such as epic devils assault
And with all the +3 and +4 tomes this is stuff that is now not to out of the ordinary since I have the 2 rings already, just 20th completions till I get them
Reincarnation info:
FvS 3times +3spell pen (60sp)
Wizard 3times +6spell pen
Sorc 3times +3dc (60sp)
stats: 36pt buy
str 18 (8base + 6item + 3tome + 1litany)
dex 18 (8base + 6item + 3tome + 1litany)
con 34 (18base + 7item + 3exp + 1litany + 4tome + 1human)
int 10 (8base + 2tome)
wis 40 (18base + 5levelup + 6item + 3exp + 4tome + 1litany + 2enhancment + 1human)
cha 30 (12base + 6item + 3exp + 4tome + 2enhancment + 1litany + 2capstone)
Feats: (Silver Flame path)
1 - empower
1 - extend (Something else here as extend is useless for BB) Maybe spell focus: evocation here
3 - Toughness
6 - Maximize
9 - wizard past life
12 - quicken
15 - heighten
18 - spell focus: evocation // And make this Greater spell focus evocation
Level 1 - Nimbus of Light / Command / Night Shield / Cure Light Wounds
Level 2 - Resist Energy / Deific Vengeance / Sound Burst / Aid
Level 3 - Dispel / Searing Light / Curse / Magic circle against evil
Level 4 - Freedom of Movement / Divine Power / Unholy Blight / Holy Smite
Level 5 - Protection from elements / Divine Punishment / Greater Command / Stalward Pact
Level 6 - Heal / Blade Barrier / symbol of persuasion or comet fall or mass cure moderate wounds (I will see which one I like better )
Level 7 - Resurrection / Destruction / Greater Restoration
Level 8 - Mass Deathward / Death Pact / Symbol of Death
Level 9 - Energy Drain / Implosion / Mass Heal
Jump (4ranks), balance(rest of points) , tumble (1rank)
UMD (11 ranks)
UMD break down
11 ranks + 3 item + 3 E-big top + 4 GH + 2 luck + 10 Cha + 5cha skills GS = 38 (teleport / fire shield)
FvS Toughness IV - 10ap
FvS Wis II - 6ap
FvS Cha II - 6ap
FvS capstone - 2ap
FVS Angel of Vengeance - 6 ap
Energy of the Sicon III - 6 ap
FVS Exorcism - 4 ap
FvS damage - 22ap
FvS spell pen - 6ap
Human ability - 6ap
Human toughness 3 - 6ap
160 base
240 con
20 Heroic durability
10 AA favor
30 GFL
45 GS item
22 toughness
70 toughness enhancement
20 toughness (minos)
20 Yugo
637 hp
1810 FvS
290 CHA
400 Archmage
300 GS
120 past lives
110 Enhancements
Gear / updating with clickies to be used blue is stuff I may switch to:
Helm: Minos Legen // Epic helm of Frost w/ GFL
Armor: DT (10% healing amp, 20% healing amp, greater potency 7)
Necklace: Torc/epic shamans beads (Greater Spell Penetration VI, Wizardry III, Transform Kinetic Energy) // noxious embers (when switch greenblade)
Trinket: Litany (Turn the Page (CL:12, 3/rest), Litany of the Dead - Ability Bonus) // bauble // eardweller // dragons eye
Belt: Archmage belt (Superior Efficacy VIII (CL:1, 3/3), ArchMage) // amrath fire savant // healing amrath clickie
Gloves: Epic ruby encrusted gauntlets (Combustion IX, Benevolence IX, Empty Colorless Augment[6dex] Slot, Empty Green Augment [luck] Slot) // Vile Blasphemy x? // Con opp HP
Cloak: Epic envenomed cloak w/ heavy Fort / mantle (various things)
Bracers: Con opp - HP // Epic scorched bracers w/toughness
Goggles: Trap the soul - SP / epic goggles of time sensing
Boots: Striding boots // Epic boot of corrosion w/luck
Ring1: Dragonmark ring w/ +2con
Ring2: Archmage ring w/ +2wis
1 - conopp +3 excp cha // Epic greenblade w/ +1con
2 - conopp +3 excp cha // Leviks for heal guard / dr
3 - Dreamspitter for symbol of persuasion if you use that
4 - Staff of petitioner
Leveling Gear:
Abashi set is great for leveling
Lifeshield of invulnerability robe
Superior potency Item for all levels
Superior clickies (Ardor / Brilliance)
Vibrant Ioun Stone unsuppressed
Worldshaper Mantle / pale lavender ioun stone (for beholders)
Trinket of Electrical Absorption 33%
Greenblade (or elfcrafted robe if no greenblade)
Torc (haha yeah if I could ever pull it)
Gloves of Glacier
Boot with guild slot (put power augment there for double sp on sorc / fvs lives)
Leveling Tips:
Wizard lives suck as human PM, I will try WF archmage next wiz life
Sorcerer I would go WF, fire savant until vale then switch to lightning
Favored Soul lives, I would stick with human
Having a person to TR with you or just run with you in general is a huge help
This is a great guide however I can support and have tried myself on 2 lives here
Feedback is welcome and appreciated