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  1. #1
    Community Member satanofmetal's Avatar
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    Default Horc X WF Melee FVS

    Ive got a WF FVS, and planning on tr' him realy soon, and one of my guildies told me to check how would be a Horc fvs, melee/healer focus fully geared (got all my raid and epic stuff pretty much done..just cant pull a ****ing sos shard) and heres my conclusion:
    Half orc +1dmg base str (Base str 20)
    +4dmg enchaments
    +1dmg STR enchaments
    So a total of +6 extra dmg against a normal WF fvs
    -2 dmg (Greatsword lord of the blades specialization)
    -3 fort save (WF enchament)
    -3 will save (WF enchament)
    -2 fort save Con (a wf would have base con 18, and +2 con enchament)
    -40 hp (toughness and that extra +4con that the wf gets)
    -5 DR (capstone, WF dmg DR and Adam body -> pretty sure u guys notice already, but a WF using red scale without a body feat sucks Badly. in stetics way of course.

    IMO, the WF FvS its way better then a Horc
    Btw - base status in a Horc would be 20/11/16/8/8/11. WF - 18/11/18/8/8/11

    Feedbacks, discuss, opnions about it : all welcome

  2. #2
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by satanofmetal View Post
    Ive got a WF FVS, and planning on tr' him realy soon, and one of my guildies told me to check how would be a Horc fvs, melee/healer focus fully geared (got all my raid and epic stuff pretty much done..just cant pull a ****ing sos shard) and heres my conclusion:
    Half orc +1dmg base str (Base str 20)
    +4dmg enchaments
    +1dmg STR enchaments
    So a total of +6 extra dmg against a normal WF fvs
    -2 dmg (Greatsword lord of the blades specialization)
    -3 fort save (WF enchament)
    -3 will save (WF enchament)
    -2 fort save Con (a wf would have base con 18, and +2 con enchament)
    -40 hp (toughness and that extra +4con that the wf gets)
    -5 DR (capstone, WF dmg DR and Adam body -> pretty sure u guys notice already, but a WF using red scale without a body feat sucks Badly. in stetics way of course.

    IMO, the WF FvS its way better then a Horc
    Btw - base status in a Horc would be 20/11/16/8/8/11. WF - 18/11/18/8/8/11

    Feedbacks, discuss, opnions about it : all welcome

    Orc runs with a +6 total on the damage, -2 for WF spec, so still +4 damage on the Great Sword (although -1 to hit i think too)
    Orc starts with 2 more Wis so only -2 will save.

    Although I never have liked the looks of the WF, I agree that for the spec listed above, WF seems to have more advantages. Although it seems you would also spend a ton less mana and casting time healing your horc (since 1 enhanced / meta'd CCW, maybe 2 will normally do the trick, while for your WF it will usually be full heals due to the racial penalty. Both races get similar items that give bonus, so the Horc will always be 50+% ahead).

    Just food for thought.

  3. #3
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    DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had a 20 WF FvS that I TRed into a Horc...and now I am crying while leveling because I MISS BEING A WF - the second I hit 20 I will TR again and NEVER, EVER play anything other that WF!

    NOTHING that the HORC brings can EVER make up for WF immunities...I had completely forgotten what hold person and negative levels feel like....they're horrible

  4. #4
    Community Member pSINNa's Avatar
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    Just a quick note here on damage, Greatsword damage compared to other greatweapons is fairly low, now i'm going to assume you don't want be in Bladesworn Transformation mode all the time, restricting you to a Greatsword.

    Using a triple pos Falchion on a Horc with the power attack enhancements lines taken, with the horc great weapon extra damage enhancements taken, with improved crit slashing and a bloodstone is whole new league of damage compared to what you'll get with your Lord of Blades.

    Now damage isn't everything, the WF has a some significant advantages in it's immunities, but bear in mind most of those can be achieved with gearing and spell selection in any case on a non-wf.

    I'm not preaching which way to go, but if your'e talking dps the horc leads by a mile here.

    (of course u'll need a splash to use those other greatweapons, and you may not want to sacrifice your DR in the capstone, again, there are pro's and con's, but for dps the Horc is the winner here)

    Coit out~
    Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda

  5. #5
    Community Member satanofmetal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pSINNa View Post
    Just a quick note here on damage, Greatsword damage compared to other greatweapons is fairly low, now i'm going to assume you don't want be in Bladesworn Transformation mode all the time, restricting you to a Greatsword.

    Using a triple pos Falchion on a Horc with the power attack enhancements lines taken, with the horc great weapon extra damage enhancements taken, with improved crit slashing and a bloodstone is whole new league of damage compared to what you'll get with your Lord of Blades.

    Now damage isn't everything, the WF has a some significant advantages in it's immunities, but bear in mind most of those can be achieved with gearing and spell selection in any case on a non-wf.

    I'm not preaching which way to go, but if your'e talking dps the horc leads by a mile here.

    (of course u'll need a splash to use those other greatweapons, and you may not want to sacrifice your DR in the capstone, again, there are pro's and con's, but for dps the Horc is the winner here)

    Coit out~
    No point using a Falchion when i got a eSoS (ALMOST!! Shard doesnt like me very much. 4 toons running von6 and i cant pull that thing ¬¬) and slash fvs..sorry i just think its stupidity. wouldnt trade the DR for anything at all. Having DR 10 all the time (or 15 in case of the WF) or one extra See my point?

  6. #6
    The Hatchery
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    I believe WF get +2 damage to GS from feat, but also up to +2 more from fvs GS enhancements.

  7. #7
    Community Member Ssmooth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pSINNa View Post
    Just a quick note here on damage, Greatsword damage compared to other greatweapons is fairly low, now i'm going to assume you don't want be in Bladesworn Transformation mode all the time, restricting you to a Greatsword.

    Using a triple pos Falchion on a Horc with the power attack enhancements lines taken, with the horc great weapon extra damage enhancements taken, with improved crit slashing and a bloodstone is whole new league of damage compared to what you'll get with your Lord of Blades.

    Now damage isn't everything, the WF has a some significant advantages in it's immunities, but bear in mind most of those can be achieved with gearing and spell selection in any case on a non-wf.

    I'm not preaching which way to go, but if your'e talking dps the horc leads by a mile here.

    (of course u'll need a splash to use those other greatweapons, and you may not want to sacrifice your DR in the capstone, again, there are pro's and con's, but for dps the Horc is the winner here)

    Coit out~

    If you believe that a 1/2orc gs falcion is 'miles' ahead of a wf with ESOS, you are sorely mistaken and have no clue what you are talking about. With the same crit profile(15-20), even with the extra damage from 1/2orc enhancements won't make up for the ability to crit in the 250's vs 150's. Mine crits in the 250's now with only 32 raged str. There is simply no comparision.

    'Knowing is half the battle!'
    Bjornegar, Bloodtrail, Chronogear, Clarkk, Flied, Nugente, Soulgear, Ssmooth, Throrin

  8. #8
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    In his defense, pSINNa never mentioned the ESOS in his post. He said great sword. Everyone knows ESOS is its own unique little toy, and if / when the OP gets his shard, (Major congrats when you do btw OP) the numbers will probably be close enough to not matter much.

  9. #9
    Community Member Ssmooth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylvish View Post
    In his defense, pSINNa never mentioned the ESOS in his post. He said great sword. Everyone knows ESOS is its own unique little toy, and if / when the OP gets his shard, (Major congrats when you do btw OP) the numbers will probably be close enough to not matter much.
    Ummm...last time I looked, the ESOS IS a great sword
    Bjornegar, Bloodtrail, Chronogear, Clarkk, Flied, Nugente, Soulgear, Ssmooth, Throrin

  10. #10
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmooth View Post
    Ummm...last time I looked, the ESOS IS a great sword
    In name only. Just like the Carnifex, and Chaosblades. It is like no other GS in the game, the stats are different, and that one item has entire builds based around it.

  11. #11
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    I intend to stay Warforged, and not go Horc on my FvS.

    Horc would only give me +3 damage total with eSoS (-2 from WF Feat, -2 from WF Enhancements, +4 from Horc Enhancements, +3 from extra STR [starting with 20 STR would kill any possibility UMD on the character]).

    To me, that +3 damage isn't worth -3 DR and -70 HP.

  12. #12
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    Id think they are about even, WF abit better due to survivability.
    One possibility I think is overlooked is, halfelf fvs. Not only can you get dilante fighter for free martial (esos) you get healing amp, and get to use a good capstone, free heals, DR 10 of a better dmg type IMO and/or scimitars

  13. #13
    Community Member Jakarr's Avatar
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    Pure Melee FvS a WF wins it easy more hp, more to-hit, blanket immunities(energy drain I'm lookin at you) +60 hp(+2 start, +2 Enh, +20 Class Enh Tough)

    You gain only +4 Weapon damage(thou GA and Falc being a better weapon ESOS aside) but gain +2(+6 if no prof) to-hit.

    Horc's work best as a divine that is more so a hybrid then just a pure melee.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    D&D promotes gang activity? Ya, because when I meet a bunch of Crypts I obviously assume they are all D20 players.
    What a stupid ruling, we all know that D&D promotes satanism, not gangs.
    In-Game Eldgrim The Gray-FvS Life Now

  14. #14
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jakarr View Post
    Pure Melee FvS a WF wins it easy more hp, more to-hit, blanket immunities(energy drain I'm lookin at you) +60 hp(+2 start, +2 Enh, +20 Class Enh Tough)

    You gain only +4 Weapon damage(thou GA and Falc being a better weapon ESOS aside) but gain +2(+6 if no prof) to-hit.

    Horc's work best as a divine that is more so a hybrid then just a pure melee.
    Later game the immunities are a wash, and ED is almost never an issue for a class that has Greater Restoration. The other benefits are there, with the one drawback being the roughly 50ish% more mana spent over time keeping yourself healthy.

    While WF are not my favorite race, I do agree for this spec they are better than Horcs. I'm just trying to keep the facts level.

    With the U8 updates I have also been eyeing up the Helves as a potential option for my next FVS. Some of those Dilletantes are just plain nice!

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