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  1. #1
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    Default How to get to 1st base. (spoilers)

    Go right.

    There seems to be some confusion on Sarlona in the Plane of Night (VON6) about the conventional assignment of labels to the pillar "bases". It's set up roughly like a baseball field and it's generally accepted that you zone in at home plate with Velah over "the mound" and 2nd base being the far pillar with the air mephits. That much, most agree on. It's often though, that they get 1st and 3rd base mixed up.

    Maybe not everyone plays baseball but those that do know that you move around the base path counterclockwise. 1st base is to your right when looking at the pitcher from home plate. It has fire elementals. 3rd base will be directly opposite that with ice flensers.

    When raid leaders are giving orders, someone invariably gets confused between 1st and 3rd. Maybe they're confused by starting in the north of the map facing south. Maybe they're used to things being ordered clockwise. Maybe that's just the convention for some groups because "that's how we've always done it" syndrome. I don't know.

    The most recent comment went something like, "Oh, of course that's how they are on normal. I thought you meant Epic." Why would they be labeled any differently on different difficulties!?

    Can you shed some light on this for me. I don't really care strongly one way or another but I'd like to all be on the same page or it doesn't make sense to refer to them as "bases" at all. Just saying "fire base" or "cold base" or "air mephit base" might be clearer.
    "What? Where?" *clunk, thud* :-)

  2. #2
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    I think some people just don't play/know baseball. Simply say at the start of the raid that first is to the right and third is to the left. Takes an extra 5 seconds and helps out your Euro friends.
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  3. #3
    Community Member MalakRevan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeToo View Post
    Go right.

    There seems to be some confusion on Sarlona in the Plane of Night (VON6) about the conventional assignment of labels to the pillar "bases". It's set up roughly like a baseball field and it's generally accepted that you zone in at home plate with Velah over "the mound" and 2nd base being the far pillar with the air mephits. That much, most agree on. It's often though, that they get 1st and 3rd base mixed up.

    Maybe not everyone plays baseball but those that do know that you move around the base path counterclockwise. 1st base is to your right when looking at the pitcher from home plate. It has fire elementals. 3rd base will be directly opposite that with ice flensers.

    When raid leaders are giving orders, someone invariably gets confused between 1st and 3rd. Maybe they're confused by starting in the north of the map facing south. Maybe they're used to things being ordered clockwise. Maybe that's just the convention for some groups because "that's how we've always done it" syndrome. I don't know.

    The most recent comment went something like, "Oh, of course that's how they are on normal. I thought you meant Epic." Why would they be labeled any differently on different difficulties!?

    Can you shed some light on this for me. I don't really care strongly one way or another but I'd like to all be on the same page or it doesn't make sense to refer to them as "bases" at all. Just saying "fire base" or "cold base" or "air mephit base" might be clearer.
    How can you get any clearer than Base 1, 2, and 3? I mean come even takes less to say for those who don't like to use the mic.

    I hate Kobolds!
    Quote Originally Posted by Boldrin View Post
    Don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to... What happens on Khyber...stays on Khyber.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeToo View Post
    Go right.

    There seems to be some confusion on Sarlona in the Plane of Night (VON6) about the conventional assignment of labels to the pillar "bases". It's set up roughly like a baseball field and it's generally accepted that you zone in at home plate with Velah over "the mound" and 2nd base being the far pillar with the air mephits. That much, most agree on. It's often though, that they get 1st and 3rd base mixed up.

    Maybe not everyone plays baseball but those that do know that you move around the base path counterclockwise. 1st base is to your right when looking at the pitcher from home plate. It has fire elementals. 3rd base will be directly opposite that with ice flensers.

    When raid leaders are giving orders, someone invariably gets confused between 1st and 3rd. Maybe they're confused by starting in the north of the map facing south. Maybe they're used to things being ordered clockwise. Maybe that's just the convention for some groups because "that's how we've always done it" syndrome. I don't know.

    The most recent comment went something like, "Oh, of course that's how they are on normal. I thought you meant Epic." Why would they be labeled any differently on different difficulties!?

    Can you shed some light on this for me. I don't really care strongly one way or another but I'd like to all be on the same page or it doesn't make sense to refer to them as "bases" at all. Just saying "fire base" or "cold base" or "air mephit base" might be clearer.

    Update for the Epic challenged....we go left.

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  5. #5
    Community Member MalakRevan's Avatar
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    Left you say? I've done it this way as well, altho I think it's easier to go through the right first personally. I hate those Ice Flensers on Epic......almost as much as I hate KOBOLDS!

    I hate Kobolds!
    Quote Originally Posted by Boldrin View Post
    Don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to... What happens on Khyber...stays on Khyber.

  6. #6
    Community Member Fattiest's Avatar
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    Default Grrr,,,

    I thought this was going to be a guide to grabbing some boobage. or is that second base?
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  7. #7
    Community Member Oran_Lathor's Avatar
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    This confused the hell outta me too. After several years of having the bases labelled as per baseball, I joined a pug not too long ago and was told i'd be on 3rd base... so I stopped at 3rd. Only to see the other people assigned to third go all the way round to first...

  8. #8
    Community Member shadow_419's Avatar
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    If you get any players who don't have any idea what baseball is, fall back to the biggest international game.

    1st Base = Right midfield
    2nd Base = Opponents goal
    3rd base = Left midfield

  9. #9
    Community Member Zzevel's Avatar
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    I have been TOO MANY in Sarlona VON groups that swear third is first... I have tried to bring up the Baseball analogy and am told I'm wrong... really? What game do you play where 3rd is first? ... It all started with these new f2p yahoos came along! Third is fist M.A.!
    Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..

  10. #10
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    Default Don't get me started about "over the mound".

    Quote Originally Posted by Fattiest View Post
    I thought this was going to be a guide to grabbing some boobage. or is that second base?
    I secretly did this to you to get hits in hopes of an answer. I do love wordplay and considered other titles but desire to keep the thread under PG-13.
    "What? Where?" *clunk, thud* :-)

  11. #11
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Shouldn't this be in the Sarlona forums if you want the Sarlona exposure?

    EV6 is not a new raid. Even on Epic, its not new anymore. Unless someone speaks up, we're not going to spend 10 minutes explaining to 12 people that already know it after having already spent 10 minutes filling, and 20 minutes clearing VoN 5.

    If you had some sort of question/confusion/concerns walking into the raid, you should have voiced them.

    Its called 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base due to the order we go to them. I've yet to see a single EV6 (80+ and counting now) that ran right instead of running left. Its done this way because if a Render on Base 1 breaks, its a lot less harmful to the caster trying to dance it than a fire elemental would be on Base 3.

  12. #12
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Left is 'first' because it's the first you get to. Most people have dropped the baseball analogy a long time ago

  13. #13
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    So Whos on first ?

  14. #14
    Community Member Qzipoun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanmeerkat View Post
    So Whos on first ?

  15. #15
    Community Member testing1234's Avatar
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    euros will not understand the baseball allegory's what wrong with clockwise and counterclockwise 1 2 3?

  16. #16
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by testing1234 View Post
    euros will not understand the baseball allegory's what wrong with clockwise and counterclockwise 1 2 3?
    It doesn't matter if they won't understand, since base assignments don't follow baseball.

    Again, they are what they are. If there's confusion, ask instead of sitting there like a mute for the 3-4 minutes it takes for everyone to get buffed and ready to go.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Shouldn't this be in the Sarlona forums if you want the Sarlona exposure?
    They'll still see this but I hoped to draw on the experience of all DDOers.

    Its called 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base due to the order we go to them. I've yet to see a single EV6 (80+ and counting now) that ran right instead of running left. Its done this way because if a Render on Base 1 breaks, its a lot less harmful to the caster trying to dance it than a fire elemental would be on Base 3.
    Okay, I think this gives me some insight:
    Base #1 = Cold = 3rd Base = left from start
    Base #2 = Air = 2nd Base = across from start
    Base #3 = Fire = 1st Base = right from start

    So the common way to do it is to first go to 3rd base. Makes sense. Then you deal with what's on second? So, while you're doing all this, who's on first?
    "What? Where?" *clunk, thud* :-)

  18. #18
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    It would be a lot easier just referencing them as the elements they are. However, this is Sarlona you're talking about. Making sense and adhering to analogies isn't what we do! We'll call things whatever we want! What you don't approve? GET OUT!

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  19. #19
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    Default aw beat me to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by bryanmeerkat View Post
    So Whos on first ?
    And all this time we've been talking about the Abbott raid.
    "What? Where?" *clunk, thud* :-)

  20. #20
    Community Member captainker's Avatar
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    In Epic in the groups that I've been in, we do teams 1, 2, and 3, and just islands 1, 2, and 3, and don't mention bases at all, since we all start heading left, and we usually say who leads the run anyway, and if you're not following them, you're going the wrong way.

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