Im attempting my 2nd rogue build:
Human Rogue 28pt build
Str 16
Dex 15
Con 14
Int 12
Cha and Wis both 8
First of all, is this a decent build, want to be a decent fighter/assassin and also be able to search, spot, and disable traps?. I plan on maxing out search, spot, disable, UMD with points and put the rest in Diplomacy, Balance and Jump maybe 1 in tumble. I know a lot of ppl dont think spot is important, but if I dont know where a trap is, I really have to be able to spot it... cant rely on the rest of the party all the time...
My main question is which weapon to do two weapon fighting with?? I have a dozen or so kopesh's from other toons I can "hand down" to the rogue.. but even with the oversized weapon feat, will I be able to hit often enough to be a viable dps/assasin?? Rapiers dont do near the same amount of damage as a kopesch, do they have less of an attack penalty than a kopesh when dual equipped?? Or what else is viable, daggers?, shortswords?
Thanks in advance for all replies!!!