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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Assassin Rogue weapon choice

    Im attempting my 2nd rogue build:

    Human Rogue 28pt build

    Str 16
    Dex 15
    Con 14
    Int 12
    Cha and Wis both 8

    First of all, is this a decent build, want to be a decent fighter/assassin and also be able to search, spot, and disable traps?. I plan on maxing out search, spot, disable, UMD with points and put the rest in Diplomacy, Balance and Jump maybe 1 in tumble. I know a lot of ppl dont think spot is important, but if I dont know where a trap is, I really have to be able to spot it... cant rely on the rest of the party all the time...

    My main question is which weapon to do two weapon fighting with?? I have a dozen or so kopesh's from other toons I can "hand down" to the rogue.. but even with the oversized weapon feat, will I be able to hit often enough to be a viable dps/assasin?? Rapiers dont do near the same amount of damage as a kopesch, do they have less of an attack penalty than a kopesh when dual equipped?? Or what else is viable, daggers?, shortswords?

    Thanks in advance for all replies!!!

  2. #2
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Khopeshes are a great choice for a strength-based rogue.

    Rapiers and Khopeshes will behave exactly the same in your case. Same attack bonus, same penalties for dual wielding, and same penalties for using one in the offhand without OTWF. Your AB at the mid- and high- levels will be fine.

    The only difference between rapiers and khopeshes is that rapiers are able to be weapon finessed. That's only relevant to a dex rogue, though.

    Oh, and you'd be surprised at how close the overall damage of a rapier is to that of a khopesh. A khopesh is better, no doubt, but not as much better as people seem to think.

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
    "Not in the face! Not in the faaaaaace!"

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Thanks

    Thanks for the reply Draccus... Wasnt sure if there was any diff between dual wielding Kopesh or Rapier.. now I know. I can use my hand me down weapons and save the precious plat. for stat enhancing item...
    Thanx again!

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