Bard Suggestion Song really needs to run off preform, it is a song after all.
Bard Suggestion Song really needs to run off preform, it is a song after all.
Garrum, Spellcom, Xhak, Gand, Yodel
Reaver's Refuge Crafting.
That might give some incentive for bards to go to level 18 who don't. Might not be a bad idea. Posted by Turbine
It needs more fixes than that. It needs to work with enthrall too.
Honestly I would rather have it be like a the mass suggestion spell in work in the following manner:
You expend 2 uses of bard song, Enemies in range attempt to save vs suggestion. If they save they attempt a save vs fascinate (or enthrall if Virt I).
While we are at it, Does anyone ever use song of freedom? Would you use it more often if it was a Mass "cast" of Freedom of Movement?
I've used song of freedom a few times. Usually when I forget to restock remove curse items and party with ppl who don't realize they should have their own. Or forgot to restock like I did.
So out of dozens of characters I've played, I think less than have a dozen runs. Posted by Turbine
/agree with OP
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
I used to use Song of Freedom befor changes to perma debuffs to make them timed. Saddly it's use is very limited and pointless in epics due to caster level of debuffs so high that I've never removed symbol of pain on a 20+20 roll.