Well, I find myself eating my words and whereas I was never overly concerned with this number in the past and just enjoyed the game as I went......now with all the things DDO is adding and wanting to try them out, it being in your best interest to have a lot of high level toons as quick as you can to farm crafting ingredients, and the grind of TR'ing.....I now find myself very concerned with this number.

So just as a general guide, not talking about names of quests here but something any person can use to figure out whether they are wasting their precious time if they are trying to level as fast as possible, could anyone punch in the numbers to the following ratings......

Very Good
Not even worth doing for favor

Again...just looking for xp/min amounts....example 150-250 would be considered excellent and 25-50 would be considered not even worth doing for favor....not sure about those numbers just using as an example of what I am looking for.
