Grazing hits were introduced for 2 reasons:
1. Players frustrated at NOT being able to hit things at low levels, it was thought that letting them hit for a base
amount of damage 50% of the time would ease the frustration.
2. To lower the upper end to hit so that useable ac would be obtainable to more people while still being able to
damage higher ac characters.
Most people at the time didn't care one way or another for 1 and many held out for the promise of 2.
What actually happened as a result of (2) was that:
1. Most people still could not aquire a worthwhile ac, focuses soley on dps and started wearing robes so they could
quickly swap in gear over heavy armour
2. S/B tanks got a small boost relative to pj wearers in that by using a sheild they reduced grazing hits (only
where they actually gained reasonable ac) The problems is many still think that by going S/B they will have a
meaningful ac at end game. This though supposedly a boost to the S/B was really only a nerf to monk splashes.
3. Elite quests already increased to hit values and damage. Therefore make significantly less difference to a pure
dps toon, they are going to still be hit regulary and for the same amount over an ac toon is not only taking more
damage from the increased to hit and damage but will also be hit regardless by any mob on any level on a 15+.
The bottom line is that Heavy armour that was supposed to be worth something is not, cloth is prefered due to speed of change.
Sheilds for the most part are useless except situationally.
DPS is absolute king.
Now the bottom line with this is that being able to be hit only on a 20 is not conceptually different to only
missing on a 1 and this is where the concept originates. One of my earlier arguments (so many in the past on this
topic) asked the question how pure dps would feel if grazing hits applied to their to hit. So on elite they would
only graz regardless of how high they were able to hit on a 2-5, after all this would allow elite hp to be much
lower on mobs (No I am not suggesting this be done btw) simply showing it for comparison and the origin of this
Next proposed change...