U8 is making a great change to Drow to make them more powerful by improving their innate spell resistance. How about another boost to them, that undying call will act as true resurrection on them like it does to elves and half-elves?
U8 is making a great change to Drow to make them more powerful by improving their innate spell resistance. How about another boost to them, that undying call will act as true resurrection on them like it does to elves and half-elves?
Argonnessen mains: Pinku, Ohtaku
Thats a little much
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Cannith Server
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This could get me hit by all those this is not DnD crowd, but I do appreciate DDO's attempts at sticking with some of the background/lore of the Eberron World in which they are based.
Basically This keeps with the Lore of Eberron
1st Drow are not an offshoot of Elves, but instead are a similar but distinct race.
2nd Drow do not serve the Undying Court (or are welcomed to serve) - and yes it seems racest I know.
Instead most Drow are followers of "The Mockery" [Vulkoor] (Scorpians) or Lolth (Spiders)
Half-evles raised with the Aerenal elves would probably worship the Undying Court, so yes, and they're half of the "proper" kind of elf to begin with. You do have a good point there, though. If they were really being strict to the lore, only elves who beleive in the Undying Court/are Aerenal elves would be TRed.
Technically, Elf+Human = Half-Elf, even in Eberron. The fact that they breed true and have their own culture notwithstanding, they did originate in the same way as in most settings.
One of the novels has a Helf show up in Shae Mordai and demand to speak to one of her ancestors. The Court wasn't happy about it, but they did grudgingly allow it, as the ancient laws require that any descendant of a member of the Court be allowed to speak to said member.
Give em an avatar of Lloth instead, the ability to summon an evil spider and turn into Driders![]()
Home Server: Cannith
I farm TP on cannith, my goal is the Vault, Vale, and Gianthold, send me a pm on the forums if you wanna joinI am broccolli, and I am a vampire, 'nough said.
NO they arent true elves
Beware the Sleepeater
The Misfit Toys
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Armor Dye Kits?
Was that during the Storm Dragon trilogy? Sounds familiar.
But as the the (Necro'd) OP, it wouldn't be good for the setting, nor would I think that Wizards would approve something like that, because Turbine does have to keep in contact with them when developing some setting based content that is directly tied in with Keith Baker's lore of the world/campaign.
Wait, did this thread get necro'd several months ago by someone responding to one post and just get necro'd again by the SAME person responding to the SAME post with a post containing the SAME ideas?
That's...awesome? I don't know how else to describe it.
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