WTT / WTS Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
Not looking for anything in particular.. please post legit offers.
WTT / WTS Pale Lavender Ioun Stone
Not looking for anything in particular.. please post legit offers.
Khyber: Hallz Halliebree Redfivest Halspex Halleez Haltrain Hlx Hlz Hallion Halson Halls Halbot Haleas Halkaline Haluminium Haligula - Prophets of the Newb Republic
Thelanis: Hallea Halsup Haliea Halrust Ricroll Riconic
I will give you 1M plat for a Pale Lavender Ioun Stone ( With Suppressed power) , Send tell to Jacaroma/Jukaw/Shocklore.
Please contact me in game as I am very interested on Hunkajunk/Imafathafling/or Surpikesalot. TY
1 Scourge Choker
1 Large Scale
Khyber - Nuic (TR), Zapn (TR), Alixer, Nuiq
1 mil plat and a set of boot ingredients and antique greatax scroll. have a couple other high end scrolls i could trade if these don't interest you.
Last edited by dumbbunny; 11-20-2010 at 01:04 AM.
Haven't been on a ton, but will get this traded this weekend.
Thanks for the replies.
Khyber: Hallz Halliebree Redfivest Halspex Halleez Haltrain Hlx Hlz Hallion Halson Halls Halbot Haleas Halkaline Haluminium Haligula - Prophets of the Newb Republic
Thelanis: Hallea Halsup Haliea Halrust Ricroll Riconic
no clue if this is in the ballpark. Haven't been on that much myself nor looked at pricing anytime recently. Offering a +3 wood that I got from the guy in marketplace way back.
Day 1 Founder
Main characters: Usually on Rhyes, Miniryse or Legolass
I'm rich! filthy rich! /runs off to AH
/cry! I'm poor! flat broke!
Lava Divers - Khyber
I have a +3 greater heart of wood i am wiling to trade for it.