How many Search skill ranks are needed for Secret (Hidden) Doors in end-game, non-epic dungeons?
I do not do traps
How many Search skill ranks are needed for Secret (Hidden) Doors in end-game, non-epic dungeons?
I do not do traps
Last edited by Kinnio; 11-17-2010 at 06:51 PM.
while this does not answer your question per se - it is very easy to get detect secret door or true seeing at higher levels.
Or in other words - the search skill is sort of useless unless you use it to find and disable traps (for which you need at least 1 rogue level)
Devourer: Anneliese, 20 Drow Sorc
Hard to say - secret doors generally have lower DCs than traps, which in higher level quests are in the 40s. On the other hand, I can't remember too many secret doors in higher level quests...
If all you are after is doors, use a clicky (found on many items) of detect secret doors, or if you are arcane and/or use UMD skill, wands.
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