Does Death Aura (spell) stack with greensteel guard items? What doesn't the spell stack with?
Does Death Aura (spell) stack with greensteel guard items? What doesn't the spell stack with?
It stacks because your GS guard isn't always going off, it only hurts them when they hit you.
The Death Aura always ticks on them, unless they have Spell Absorption and/or Death Ward.
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Are there any guard items + spells that do not stack with one another? Greensteel guards won't stack AFAIK, but I was curious to see if there were other item + spell combos that don't stack.
Does Healers Bounty (the proc Heal effect from Levik's Defender) cure stat damage in a PVP arena?
Last edited by heyytoi; 02-26-2011 at 09:23 PM.
>T H E L A N I S<