if you used a +2 tome at level 11 and you do a lesser reincarnate, as you go up the chain does it kick in at level 7 (when +2 is first available) or at the level you used it; say level 11?
if you used a +2 tome at level 11 and you do a lesser reincarnate, as you go up the chain does it kick in at level 7 (when +2 is first available) or at the level you used it; say level 11?
When they said to develop a sense of Wanderlust, I thought they said Wander Lost.
It kicks in at 7.
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”
by the time you leave the boat all your tomes will be back where they are supposed to be.
Whitewolfe of khyber.
Lot of Orion.
Chak of almost every server in some form or another.
When you are levelling up, you can read a tome AFTER you hit level 7 and level up. When you LR, if you've already ready your tome before the LR, your tome is applied WHEN you turn level 7, before you level up.
This actually results in you gaining skill points (not much, but it can help) if you LR.