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  1. #1
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    Default Bump Mystery of Delera's tomb to L7

    I was just planning some questing with a buddy with a couple of L6 characters (new server for me). I saw Delera's and started drooling over a Carneflex. Went to double check the whole chain on ddowiki and noticed that only the first quest in the chain is L5 the rest is L7 and L8 for the final (technically one more is L6 but that is the nil xp quest).

    Anyway... Can we just have the whole chain in the same L7/L8 range? Ie. make the first one harder and bump it up to L7. I want to run stuff at or one over level and this chain isn't easy to run at level (on non-twink toons where you may actually use the silverflame club). So you have to either lose XP on the first quest or run it over a number of levels (ie. many weeks apart for me and my buddy).

    It seems to me that chain quests should be designed to run at one sitting. For me leveling takes about 8hrs of playtime per level so that would be about a month of RL time (for me) to do these quests at level. Kinda goofy.

    Tangleroot is the same.....they need to bump up all the first few quests to L5 with maybe the last two as L6/7 as they are right now not the L3-L7 span. That said Tangleroot is much more solo/duoable below level so I don't mind completing the chain the L4/5 range since it is possible.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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  2. #2
    Community Member Narmolanya's Avatar
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    If you get a pure good weapon the quest becomes a whole lot easier. The whole run can be done at level 5 with little problem.
    My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Here is an easy the first one on hard...makes it lvl 6...problem solved.

  4. #4
    Community Member SamuelTheFree's Avatar
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    Talking Run Delara's at level 4

    I highly recommend running Delara's at level 4 once you have 15-20k XP to go before level 5.
    Then level up to level 5 after part 2 or 3 and finish in one sitting.

    Grab the Voice the first run and start getting the bonus XP as early as you can.

  5. #5
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorz View Post
    Here is an easy the first one on hard...makes it lvl 6...problem solved.
    With an opener or VIP sure - not with premium.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
    Guild Leader - Order of the Silver Dragons
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  6. #6
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narmolanya View Post
    If you get a pure good weapon the quest becomes a whole lot easier. The whole run can be done at level 5 with little problem.
    As noted - not twinked since this is a new server for me and thus it would apply to any new player. PG doesn't just fall in your lap and they often are more expensive that you can afford at L5-L7 on a new player.

    I compare this though to the Necro I pack and the whole thing is L5-6 - ie just a 2 level span not L5-8 ie a 4 level span.

    Also I am asking them to bump up the difficulty on the first quest only to reflect the reality that you will be running it as a chain like it is packaged.

    I also see this from the TR's perspective - assuming you can't open the quests at any difficulty you want, then they have to pop around from quest to quest to minimize the overlevel XP penalties.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
    Guild Leader - Order of the Silver Dragons
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  7. #7
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    All chains should imho be max 1 lvl apart from first to last, its just bad through xp perspective. Tangleroot, greymoon/sorrowdusk and Delera are old great quests, but i think they would be even more apreciated if they tighted up lvl spread on them.

    All new chains/followups are at same lvl more or less. Its a reason that has changed.

  8. #8
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    eat the 10% over lvl pen and dont worry about it?? p1 is by far the worst exp of the entire chain, also the most bothersome with all of its trap doors.

    exp used to work quite a bit differently. players got a bonus to do quests as far under level as possible. Pros would essentially skip the starter area at the time, and do lvl 1 in waterworks or ringleader. Then straight to StK and tangleroot at lvl 2 or 3. A typical Stormcleave run at that time would b up in the LFM for 3-4 or 3-5; and thats a level 8 quest. And all of this was before quite a bit of the really nice twink items we have now, and +2 tomes were seen in raids only.

    on the bright side I guess is that only the early material functions the way you have a problem with (quest series being different lvls). Content has been released for quite some time now in groups of the same level range, with the odd end dungeon being one level higher. And while you get quests that may need flagging, very little content past ten is a chain series. (I'm having a hard time thinking of anything past threnal TBH)
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  9. #9
    Community Member Spoonwelder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    eat the 10% over lvl pen and dont worry about it?? p1 is by far the worst exp of the entire chain, also the most bothersome with all of its trap doors.

    exp used to work quite a bit differently. players got a bonus to do quests as far under level as possible. Pros would essentially skip the starter area at the time, and do lvl 1 in waterworks or ringleader. Then straight to StK and tangleroot at lvl 2 or 3. A typical Stormcleave run at that time would b up in the LFM for 3-4 or 3-5; and thats a level 8 quest. And all of this was before quite a bit of the really nice twink items we have now, and +2 tomes were seen in raids only.

    on the bright side I guess is that only the early material functions the way you have a problem with (quest series being different lvls). Content has been released for quite some time now in groups of the same level range, with the odd end dungeon being one level higher. And while you get quests that may need flagging, very little content past ten is a chain series. (I'm having a hard time thinking of anything past threnal TBH)

    I understand that the penalty is minor - it's just annoying and inconsistent. As far as dev time - yeah they always have something more important to fix, but this would be more of a bump to the CR of the mobs and a bump to the quest level. Should be relatively low in man-hours since there should be no full redesign required.

    As far as non-chain....flagging is just a form of a chain if you look at it...if you have to complete one thing before another then its a chain - they are linked together - Vale 5 quests to get stones before raid. That's a chain. GH - 3 prereq quests plus some relic collecting - for the pre-raid and raid - thats a chain - VON, Reaver etc..... They are all chains -all 2 level spread. Of the quests over L10 only Necro 4 has a 4 level spread, but it almost has enough content in it to push you through those levels on its' own AND it's only the Raid that bumps it to L17 the rest being L14-15.
    gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
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