LOL, yeah I don't live in a huge city but I also don't live in a one-traffic-light town either. We actually have 5 lane roads here too, go figure!
But at least my town is smart enough to give left-hand turners their own lanes/lights in a majority of places (at least on those big main roads).
Whether I'm in a left hand turn lane or not (although I am) makes no difference. I am making a left turn into two lanes of traffic. A big SUV stops in front of me, on the inside oncoming lane. They wave their hands all over the place letting me know they think I should go, all the while obstructing my view of the outside oncoming lane.
I don't see how this point is any different in street with no left hand turn lane...but I've been blinded by a bit of my own foolishness before. So I'll let somebody try and explain to me what I'm missing here.
Really? lol
let me remind you of what you said then...
"I'm sorry but with all this big city, small town talk. I don't think I count Detroit as particularly big. "
Do I really need to get into why your topic was non-existent until you arrived? Did you forget what it was? Nobody was saying anything about Detroit, it's size, or it's comparison to other cities.
I personally have no clue what Detroit has to do with anything...but to each their own delusion eh?
EDIT: To spell it all out, you're going to have to provide information on how specifically Detroit ties into the small town, vs. big town driving that you apparently wanted to quote. You should also resort to the OP, to figure out what the thread was actually about lol. I mean do you actually think Detroit is a small town? Is this what this really comes down to? Are you really trying that hard? lol Better you actually think I'm FROM Detroit lmao.
Last edited by TitoJ; 11-16-2010 at 06:12 PM.
To Spell it all out: Detroit the largest city in Michigan. Your location says LP of MI. As Michigan is in two parts upper peninsula and lower peninsula, I took LP to mean lower. I took an educated guess, and apparently I am wrong.
You were the one who made the first assumption that Sirea is from a small town. Read his post again and you will see he never said anything of the sort.
By the quote above, you started the small town / big town offshoot first. So maybe you should refer to the OP to see what he was talking about. (Yes I know it was you)
I never said Detroit is a small town, please read closer next time. I just said it is not particularly big, and yes I have been there.
Pardon me for being exactly right as to what was said. I just didn't know that something else was actually meant.
The meaning would more be read "There's this one intersection, of many, in my town, where there is a gas station on the corner, if I get stopped at the light, I won't block the entrance so people can still get in and out."
You're gonna defend your foolishness for me misunderstanding that what was said, wasn't what was actually meant? I think the problem was I DID actually read it, and didn't try to come up with a different meaning for what was said lol...
Silliness really. I never made assumptions, lol...
Sue me for thinking they actually lived in a one intersection town!
Furthermore, if they aren't grasping that what I presented in the op is actually a serious potential problem...that even more suggests small town drivers lol....
He also didn't say "There's only one intersection in my town with a gas station on the corner" if you want to argue semantics.
There could be 5,000 intersections in his town with only one having a gas station. This is highly unlikely, but statistically possible.
What does geology have to do with city size? Sorry, another tangent but this was bugging me.
A fair amount, actually. Larger cities tend to be in places where there are copious natural water supplies or at strategic locations along trade routes. Thus, geology.
Anyways, totally agree with Mr. OP.
Drivers should obey the rules of the road. That means not doing stupid stuff like stopping for someone who does not have the right of way. It also includes not doing things like stopping in the middle of a freaking 5 lane street, which is what the OP is complaining about.
Personally, I have been nearly killed or hit more times by drivers actively disobeying the laws of the road than I have by drivers who are obeying the laws.
Actually, they did say one intersection. Go read it again.
I have one cookie.
I have only one cookie.
I had 2 cookies, I ate one, now I have one cookie.
I mean come on...don't be ridiculous now, it is how I read it. Means the exact same thing. And guess what?
Saying "It means the same thing" is exactly like saying "It means the exact same thing". Just further emphasis. Not different meaning...ugghh...I hope you don't drive as reclessly as you reason lol.
Wow, really? People arguing over my sentence structure? Geez.
Next time I'm out I'll be sure to count all the intersections where I live. Considering I live in a neighborhood of "blocks" I'm sure there's dozens in my neighborhood alone.
And I lack the necessary body parts to be considered a "he", tyvm
Hey, call out the right person here. I was lost in all that, until I realized what they were picking on.
I also never called you a "he"....I'm not an over eager assumptive beaver...
so instead of saying 'people', bone up and call out the right PERSON!
I believed you actually were telling me you lived in a one intersection town, so it wasn't about sentence structure really.
It is strange how your perspectives can change in a short time... I have also been annoyed at the SUV drivers that seemed to have no clue and took up a lot more space than I thought they should.. then I came to work on a military base in Iraq... the people here are good drivers, and the speed limits seem really really slow. But some of the common vehicles around here are... BIG
There are more MRAPs on FOB warrior than there are trucks/SUVs. There might be a few more Hummers on the base than MRAPs or Strykers, but it sure does not seem like it.
And let me tel you, you DO NOT want to get into an accident against one of them. I am a medic here, and have responded to 1 accident with a Stryker and a Dodge... the Stryker literally rolled right over the entire back half of the truck. No one was hurt... and other than some scratches on the Stryker it was undamaged.. but the truck was a total loss. Was pretty fun actually. If I was allowed to up-load pictures on my work computer I would, but sadly I am not. Just take a look at the sheer size of these things. And then realize that they can easily shrug off most IEDs and even some RPG rounds.
“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts - for support rather than illumination.” - Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
"I married your mother because I wanted children, imagine my disappointment when you came along." - Groucho Marx
So a Hummer is about the smallest vehicle the military has in Iraq?
If that doesn't offer some perspective, I don't know what will.
Totally with the OP in regards to people who try to "help" and end up further complicating the matter.
Not too long ago my daily commute involved this one merge where people would slow down to "be nice" and let the mergers into traffic. Mind you, this is rush hour on a major artery through downtown Jacksonville, FL. Meanwhile, I'm slowing down (like I'm supposed to, since I have the "Yield" sign) so that I can time my merge safely. So I'm slowing down, the people who are trying to let me in are slowing down (when they should be maintaining speed), and traffic behind the "Samaritan" is slamming on brakes and maneuvering around him. If they would have just maintained their speed, I would have been able to merge safely right behind them, and nobody has to even touch their brake pedal.
P.S. I always refer to those glorified station wagons as Suck-U-Vs.
Last edited by katana_one; 11-19-2010 at 09:25 PM.
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