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I'm currently at lvl 12 with a bard/rog/fighter Warchanter. And I am STILL not sure whether it will be 15/3/2 or 16/2/2. It is a beast. If the main melee in the party isn't geared out, doens't play his toon well or doesn't know the quest, I'll probably lead in kills. (Yah, yea, yea, means nothing, I know. It means something to me when the kills leader is a bard or FVS.)
Here's what you need to know:
1) traps:take the first level as rogue, and max the rogue skills, UMD. You will have plenty left over, so dump it into perform. You will still have left over, so go nuts (balance, jump, concentration, sneak). With decent intelligence, you can keep search and disable device maxed and get enough open lock levels that you won't fail often. Take the second rogue level around 7-8, because that's when you will start appreciating evasion. And with only two rogue levels, you can get every trap in the game (maybe 2-3 exceptions) if you just dont vendor the items you loot without checking their stats first.
2) melee: much like a pally, to be effective in melee you must be clicking and pre-clicking things - heroism/greater, focusing chant, songs, action boosts, haste, blur, displacement, rage. But once you're buffed, you'll have the to-hit to leave Power Attack (warchanter feat prerequisite) all the time. The rogue level 1 gets you sneak attack, so avoid getting aggro whenever possible for the DPS boost.
3) casting: buffs only, no real offensive casting (until certain things are fixed at least - AOE spells like shout now need hard targets?!? yuk). But the buffs are amazing. By your 9th bard level, 3 song buffs (plus one for the other rogue in the party) Eagle's Splendor (save a gear slot) haste, blur, displace, GH, rage, inviz PLUS all the things you can easily UMD like fire shield, stoneskin, protection/resist energy, dimension door, etc.
4) emergency: when everything has gone down hill, swap to your best Perform item and hit the Fascinate button. Then use your somewhat meager healing abilities (carry a greater efficacy/devotion item) and UMD scroll/wand abilities to get people up. Or, run away while everything is fascinated. Or charm the fascinated mobs to help you out.
Basically, you can play every role the party needs. You can improve your healing a lot by tweaking your enhancements and carrying wands. So, um, that's my vote.