i have been playing this game for some time now, and decioded it was time to play a monk.
first thing i see, i have ALOT of punchs that need to be enabled when used.
and special punchs that talk about combos, and finishing punches. searching ddo wiki i cannot find any description or help on how to use that.
besides the "placing the icon in the bar and pressing the number"
im basicly, overwhelm by the many things i can do. do i specialise in one and simple forget about the others?
do i have them all in secondary bars and drag the ones im gona need to the main bar in a per quest basis?
whats even more confusing is the ligth and dark paths. i created a lvl 4 monk to test a few things and learning, basicly a test toon, so i can enter the lvl1 monk more prepared, and i have both paths there, the main icon says its only available to lvl16 monks, but i have all the ones that hang from that icon...
hope someone can give me tips, urls, blogs, whatever can help me a little here
PS: sorry about grammar, my english is worse than my spanish