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  1. #1
    Community Member Drona's Avatar
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    Default Min II vs Lit II Great axe


    please tell me the difference between them. Also where can i find the crafting recipes?


  2. #2
    Community Member ChaosEmperorDragon's Avatar
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    You can find them here:

    You can find the recipes here:
    Katavina Leagond - Cannith

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosEmperorDragon View Post

    You can find them here:

    You can find the recipes here:
    +1 sir.

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  4. #4
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    If you have mats to make either/or make the Lit2 first. DO NOT make the min2. I've just come to the realization that min2's are fairly worthless now (and regret making 2?!?!), especially if you have access to the carnival pack and/or got a pretty decent beater +5 mett of pure good something something. Lit2 then triple pos maul then some accesory item with earthgrab for your barb.

  5. #5
    Community Member EyeRekon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    min2's are fairly worthless now (and regret making 2?!?!), especially if you have access to the carnival pack .
    But for levels 12-19 (40% of your toons total levels, and the slowest stretch of them) before you could use the Epic Antique Greataxe, MinII are great. How many Shrouds are you going to run before you hit 20? IMO its easier to craft the weapons then wait, hope, and pay for Metalline or Silver of PG.

    If you aren't Level 20 and are interested in running content higher than Normal, get a MinII or equivalent random weapon. Its a good, safe invenstment for use in future content as well.

  6. #6
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeRekon View Post
    But for levels 12-19 (40% of your toons total levels, and the slowest stretch of them) before you could use the Epic Antique Greataxe, MinII are great. How many Shrouds are you going to run before you hit 20? IMO its easier to craft the weapons then wait, hope, and pay for Metalline or Silver of PG.

    If you aren't Level 20 and are interested in running content higher than Normal, get a MinII or equivalent random weapon. Its a good, safe invenstment for use in future content as well.
    I have a metalline of pure good for levels 10+, I also have a holy silver of greater outsider bane (arguably better then a min2 on harry). Fact is I have way too many alternatives... and the other BIG point is... why would you run Shroud on Hard or Elite or ToD on Hard or Elite BEFORE you hit 20?! I most definelty won't accept an 18th level something or other on a elite shroud run..thats just asking for trouble.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    I have a metalline of pure good for levels 10+, I also have a holy silver of greater outsider bane (arguably better then a min2 on harry). Fact is I have way too many alternatives... and the other BIG point is... why would you run Shroud on Hard or Elite or ToD on Hard or Elite BEFORE you hit 20?! I most definelty won't accept an 18th level something or other on a elite shroud run..thats just asking for trouble.
    I run elite Shroud every night. There's little difference between level 18 and 20. It's about the character's buildout and gear.

    You can't go wrong with a MinII weapon, especially if you have any intention of running raids more difficult than normal.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  8. #8
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    To answer the OP's question, Min II and Lit II weapons are your most popular choices for tier 3 weapons to craft from the shroud, for DPS usage. (There are certainly other tier 3 weapons to craft, these are just the most popular, and others are typically for niche use such as vacuum weapons for epics, triple positives for undead/abbot raid, radiance for blinding effects for auto crits on trash mobs, etc). The main difference is the Min II has the metalline quality on it allowing it to bypass the DR of certain monsters, especially raid bosses, which can lead to overall higher dps on all raid settings, and consistent dps on normal settings. The Lit II can put out more damage when its effect goes off, but this is more so on normal runs of raids such as the shroud and VOD, but on hard and elite settings, the Lit II will not bypass the DR of such bosses.

    You can examine a variety of tier 3 weapon effects here on the DDO wiki site.
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
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  9. #9
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    I was in the same boat as you OP, with all these crazy acroymns out there.

    It's an old thread, but check this one out.

    As to answer your original question (dif between Min and Lit) this is what you want

    Quote Originally Posted by Dozen_Black_Roses View Post
    You can examine a variety of tier 3 weapon effects here on the DDO wiki site.
    EDIT: IMHO, I won't lie to you: I >>HATE<< that page. I just don't get the terms and the aspects and focuses and dominions and all the terminology is just far to much to get
    Last edited by Khanyth; 11-17-2010 at 09:43 AM.

  10. #10
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Yeah I agree it is a bit overwhelming in the beginning, but it is a good overview site. I think the threads you linked to will help the OP a bit more clearer since they are new to all this.
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
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  11. #11
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    There is a massive DPS difference between 18 and 20, due to Barb capstone (going full on THF) and/or the extra 2 fighter or what have you PLUS the Epic gear load out once you hit 20...especially against elite/epics this matters.

  12. #12
    Community Member Lavek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dozen_Black_Roses View Post
    radiance for blinding effects for auto crits on trash mobs, etc).
    slight correction

    blindness gives only auto sneak attacks and 50% miss chance, but not auto criticals
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  13. #13
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    There is a massive DPS difference between 18 and 20, due to Barb capstone (going full on THF) and/or the extra 2 fighter or what have you PLUS the Epic gear load out once you hit 20...especially against elite/epics this matters.
    capstone is anything but a massive DPS increase, you're fairly good at spreading misinformation.

    lvl18 barb is a huge jump, 20 is not
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  14. #14
    Community Member lekkus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drona View Post

    please tell me the difference between them. Also where can i find the crafting recipes?

    Hee! I saw that someone gave a direct link to a min2/lit2 discussion but in general you can forget search. It will only give you oh... about hundreds of threads to spit through. Who ever thought that is brilliant must be a sponge indeed

    I use DDO Game Guide for all my crafting needs (not only Shroud). While I applaud the people who have made crafting-websites this works for me much better. A small downloadable program you have to install on your computer but beside for planning crafts it does a lot more then that! Written by a member of Infernus Sus/ Thelanis it also contains puzzle solvers (shroud but also Reaver etc - you can even practise ), Quests walk throughs (never get lost in Inferno/dq1) and lot's more! It works all very intuitive and there is a helpful faq. I would definitely check it out

  15. #15
    Community Member Itachi83's Avatar
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    I don't see any reason to make a MINII at level 20.

    It is a better choice overall, imo, to make a LitII and get an Epic Antique Greataxe.

    If you are planning on doing multiple TR's then MinII is essentially equivalent in respects to a LitII, depending on the quests you plan on doing.

    it doesn't take any significant time for most people to level to twenty, so I don't see the point in making the case that it is better at lower levels, because you don't have access to the EAG, unless you are planning on a TR.

    But a Lit2 will probably serve you just as well in the TR case, while being better in normal situations at 20. (In Raids.)

  16. #16
    Hero Nahual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    I most definelty won't accept an 18th level something or other on a elite shroud run..thats just asking for trouble.
    Yep specially when it was ran on Elite with lvl 16s with arguably a lot less dps than lvl 18s.

    As to the OP: Id craft the Min II first, unless you already have a DR breaker.
    Kasik ~Rogue~ Fui ~ Barb ~ Emmeryl ~ Clr ~ Hilcias ~ Sorc ~
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    There is a massive DPS difference between 18 and 20, due to Barb capstone (going full on THF) and/or the extra 2 fighter or what have you PLUS the Epic gear load out once you hit 20...especially against elite/epics this matters.

    actually I think you are running with the wrong people if you think lvl 20 is a requirement for elite shroud.
    we used to farm shroud on elite when the cap was 16, and when I say farm , I mean 30 min runs back to back to back. IMO a min2 is one of the best all around multi purpose tools in game.

  18. #18
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    for a THF character I'd actually recommend not crafting a Min2 anymore. Before the easily acquired antique great axe it was almost a mandatory first craft for those characters. Now not so much. A lit2 weapon will serve you even better when TR'ing, and will be one of the best weapons you can use until acquiring more rare epic weaponary.

    TWF has other considerations, but wont go into that.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  19. #19
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justplayingthegame View Post
    actually I think you are running with the wrong people if you think lvl 20 is a requirement for elite shroud.
    we used to farm shroud on elite when the cap was 16, and when I say farm , I mean 30 min runs back to back to back. IMO a min2 is one of the best all around multi purpose tools in game.
    yep, just like alot of vets started farming the shroud for power shards at lvl 11 or 12 back then as well. Nice to get those shroud items early, the ingredients were just a hand me down.

    I knew one fella who stayed at lvl 11 forever and a day trying to get a +3 dex/int tome. Could u imagine doing 20 shrouds/vods/hounds at level ELEVEN?

    I know someone like boromirs wont believe it. But it did happen. People go for completionist now, before being able to lesser rez or TR, that was practically the only way to optimize your stats/skills before Unlimited release.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    for a THF character I'd actually recommend not crafting a Min2 anymore. Before the easily acquired antique great axe it was almost a mandatory first craft for those characters. Now not so much. A lit2 weapon will serve you even better when TR'ing, and will be one of the best weapons you can use until acquiring more rare epic weaponary.

    TWF has other considerations, but wont go into that.

    when lit 2 procs it's great, but the steady damage from the min2 averages out higher, not to mention it still bypasses more DR's , there both good, the Tempest stage had people dual weilding 1 of each in dorf form.

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