Some might remember I posted a while back I was TRing my sorc into an AA, that's so far gone to plan until I hit L10...ranged combat just feels far too slow for someone who's played only a monk and sorc to cap. So it's out, and I've LRed into a (some-what) gimp tempest.

I've now got a future goal, another TR (gulp) and going tempest...using mainly dual lit2 khopies, min2 khopies (boy thats alot of larges!) and chaosblades if I get my hand on a pair this life (epicing them at the end of next life). The goal of the toon is DPS, none of this UMD, big time multi class, look at me I'm fancy stuff. Just DPS, I'm sure alot will critisice me for not taking UMD, but I can't fit in enough without multi classing or getting certain gear that I'm not prepared to grind out. The same with multi classing, I'm not a big fan of it, even though I've seen what certain builds can do with it. I've also seen many of the multi class toons effectively become gimped when Turbine mess around with the game/class mechanics.

Back to business...

She will be a 36pt build, either human (bonus feat, human versatility) or a half-orc (extra str and PA options). Both have their drawbacks and draw-toos(?). I'm leaning in the direction of human for the bonus feat and versatility.

Built pts (start stats, keep in mind I'm not adding in +3 or +4 tomes into the build just yet.)

Human 18 STR, 14 DEX, 16 CON, 12 WIS
Half Orc 20 STR 14 DEX 16 CON 12 WIS

All level-up points go into STR. +2 tomes get used at L7

Feats (in order)
(Human Bonus) Khopesh Proficiency (Debating if I should take power attack instead and taking Khopesh proficiency at L12)
FE: Undead
FE: Giant
Spring Attack
Imp Crit. Slash
FE: Evil Outsider
Power Attack or Khopesh Proficiency
Oversized TWF
FE: Construct
FE: Elemental

Taking Tempest 1-2-3 on the current life to see how tempest 3 really is for myself. Been told numerous times it's not worth it, but you never really know until you've tried it yourself right? I haven't ruled out doing a light multiclass of the toon....12 ranger 8 fighter, 18 ranger 2 rouge or something like that.

Appreciate any feedback. Though it's a very basic 'hit and kill' type toon so not much to get wrong really.