That was the message in the Social Panel for a group led by a WF 10 Wiz/9 Monk, who barely glanced at the names of the folks as they joined, let alone their builds.

The fun started off with a mostly-wipe at the first locked door in the sub on the way to the quest, partly because I was too busy accepting join requests to deal with the living spell, and partly 'cause I'm a gimp.

We found out that there were a few people who didn't know how to get there, and a kindly FvS went back to help them through.

Once we all gathered in the foyer, I went over what to expect (for the sake of the new folks), and assigned roles based on what we had available.

The last person to join said he didn't want to run, but just had to ask what I meant by "BYOH" in a VoD, and if I was serious. When informed that indeed, I was serious, he asked for me to let him know how it went (he dropped and we picked up the last one a short while later).

It was loads of fun!