Hey Guys,
I don't often post on these forums (as you can tell by my post count!), but I came to the realisation that unless I come into some cash, I'm going to have to farm some TP through Favor. I'm on the brink of founding a Favor Farming Guild on the server, but before I did, I figured I'd see if there was any call for it.
The general idea is that I'll have one of my alts in control of the Guild and he will be a permanent mainstay there. He will go about the task of ensuring that the necessary quests are unlocked to elite, and can potentially zerg through the standard missions to get to that 100 Favor as quickly as possible. This would ensure that an opener is always at hand (I can dual-box), as well. If I get a fair few responses showing interest, then I'll go ahead and form it. Otherwise, I'll put the idea on hold for now.
Let me know what you guys think.
All the best,
After some consideration, I have decided to form the guild regardless :P. Anyone interested in earning some quick TP, look for members of 'The Cannith Favor Farmers'. A thread will be posted concerning play times, quest choices, and the future of the guild. Please check it out.